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black bugs

They're parasites, Use the search on here and you'll find many a post about them. I'd also get him/her off to the vet.
I think I may have used the wrong word, maybe I should of called them mites. Mites could be a kind of parasite I'm not quite sure. Anywho my answer is still the same. Search for mites/parasites on here, and take the advice others have given, and a trip to the vet.
Thank you for the advice. I was just on that site you recommended when you contacted me back. Right now we have her out and my husband is cleaning her tank with a diluted bleach solution. we are then going to put paper towels in with her for a while to make sure it is not the subtrate. We are using aspen. I have checked her water bowl because she does soak alot and it has many black bugs in it.I do not have a local reptile vet and it looks to be pros and cons about the different methods to treat this I will definantly do more research on this so I can feel comfortable that I am not hurting her while treating her. Thanks again. She is eating and acting fine so hopefully This is caught in time
I have gotten many mixed messages on what to use. I have decided to go with reptile relief from my local pet store. Right now I have already cleaned her cage with diluted bleach. I put down paper towels instead of aspen along with her water bowl. I have wiped her down with reptile relief and put her in her cage.It has been a couple of hours and I really don't see any bugs yet. I have also used the reptile relief on her hideaway and her log, the top of her cage and her stand and the carpet around the stand. I will keep posted on her progress. It says to only treat at three day intervals so I will try it again in a couple of days.
I've used Reptile Relief on my snakes along with Provent-A-Mite on the bedding. It usually works really well and solves my problem. The Reptile Relief alone should be just fine since you only have one snake and can look at her on a daily basis.

Hi, i came home tonight and took my snake out for a little while, and i was furious to find out that she has mites :twoguns: Anyways, right now ive soaked her water dish, hide and plant in hot water, and her tank has a bleach and water solution sitting in it right now. I read on a thread that an insecticide called "Sevin Dust" seems to work quite well. Anyone ever used it or have any results you would care to share?? thanks