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Bloodred - LeStat Progression


Herpetologists' offspring
I feel this little guy deserves a progression thread of his own, finally. I got him from my dad, who was doing a project on kingsnakes trying to figure out how they manage to fit animals the same size of themselves in their stomachs. Well, this little guy was too big for the project (even though he was tiny and malnourished at the time), extremely feisty, and had no belly checkers! I had to have him. I've had him for several months now, his head scar is healing, his diffusion and color get better with every shed, and as it turns out he's actually a sweetheart. So, here's my lovely LeStat!
April 26, 2009

May 17, 2009

July 14, 2009

And as of January 17, 2010





He is pretty fidgety, which is why I didn't get any good pictures up until a few days ago. Thanks for looking!
You a Vamp fan Ashley? lol The Jan 17th pics are amazing excellent quality and great lighting. What kind of camera?