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Bloods, Golddust, Butters and ultramels


I have several snakes for sale. All have eaten several times and shed at least three times. These snakes are from either Joni Garcia or Rich Hume stock. Great animals
Parents of first group
Male=golddust het mot X female=Amel motley het caramel
1.1 Ultramel motley $35 both $70
2.1 ultramel het motley $30 $90
1.0 Butter het motley $40 $40
2.1 golddust het motley $40 $120
0.1 amel het motley $20 $20

Parents of second group
male= normal het amel, blood, lav, hypo X female=anery blood het hypo
1.1 bloods $35 $70
0.0.3 normals $20 $60

Will sell all for $500 shipped

I have pics posted below!
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Here are just a few pics. These babies are smokin"


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I do not know where you live, but I may be interested in purchasing one of the babies. How large are they, and which snake would you reccomend to begin a small breeding program in a couple of years? I currently have one young snake, what I think is an AmelSunkissed, but I do not know the sex.
I do have a nice butter het mot that would work nice as well as some ultramels and goldust het mot. You wouldn't get that much from the F1 generation, but F2 could be awesome. If you took a goldust het mot. your F1 would be 50%amel and 50% ultramel but you would be het for caramel, and sunkissed and pH motley. Your F2 could be goldust sunkissed, butter sunkissed, ultramel sunkissed and amel sunkissed. You could also have some Motleys mixed in. Could be a fun project. I am in New York.
how much would the golddust be with shipping to indiana... if that wouldn't be too stressful on the snake?
Overnight shipping is about $50. If you want all three, the shipping would be the same. So that would be about $170 shipped for the three goldust het motleys. 2 males and one female. If you want one it would be $90 shipped.