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Bloods showin' their colors!


Hug Free Zone
I was moving newly hatched animals to their shed boxes and the only ones to give me attitude were a just out of the egg clutch of P/S. What is it with Bloodreds? LOL I feel bad giggling at them. They are trying soooo hard to act tough. This little bugger struck at me at least ten times before giving up and running away to hide under the paper towel and rattle his tail.


They are so cute! I had a baby this morning whose bin was a little fogged up, so I opened it to make sure the water wasn't spilled. The baby had been sitting on his water bowl, but retreated back to the back of the bin. As I wiped off the fog on the front with my finger, he lunged forward at me and struck at me- like TAKE THAT!! So adorable!