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Boa Updates and photos


New member
First, Dexter, my 2012 dumerils boa: Dex was a real problem feeder for the first year and a half that I had him. Then I tried f/t chicks, and, wow! What a feeder he is now. Sexy Dexy now weighs in at 503g.

Next in order of seniority is Gatsby, my 2012 Pastel hypo. He's an awesome guy, super mellow, and likes to just sit on my lap and chill. The Great Gatsby weighs in today at 516g. He's got some great pink tones to him.

Finally, Miss Daisy. This lovely lady is a 2013 kahl albino and weighs in at 340g. I just love her: beautiful colors, beautiful temperament. She's just amazing.

Thanks for checking out my babies.

Yay, boa updates!!!

Daisy is so pretty, and that's a perfect name for her. She has more color than Olaf, but I think he'll color up as he grows. Glad to see Dexter is finally eating! After seeing Gatsby, I can definitely tell that my Casey is not a hypo, but she could be pastel.
Yay, boa updates!!!

Daisy is so pretty, and that's a perfect name for her. She has more color than Olaf, but I think he'll color up as he grows. Glad to see Dexter is finally eating! After seeing Gatsby, I can definitely tell that my Casey is not a hypo, but she could be pastel.

Thanks! After Dex went four months without eating, for the second time, I tried chicks out of desperation, and now he's a savage.
Great picks all around. And glad to hear they're all doing wonderful. Don't think I've seen many pics of Gatsby, his color is amazing. And wow is Daisy starting to color up too. Still so pretty!
I should add that they're all between 800-900g now, with Daisy being a full year younger than the other two. Weeping..."Kids grow up so fast...