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Boring snake- no activity, always hides


New member
That's basically my snake. At day, temps are 80's in hot side, room temp (low 70's high 60's on cool side). At night It's like 68 in his cage (read that was fine because they can adjust). Yet he used to be all out and about when he was younger in his 10G, now in his 20G he goes and hides in his substrate and basically chills all day and night hiding, only coming out once every couple of days to look for food.
Well they need a gradient temp 24/7, 70-75 cool side 80-85 warm. They digest better with the heat.
This not a slam or a flame, but what did you expect from an animal that comes out early morning and early evening. These snakes as many are solitary animals, they tolerate our handling, but they dont do tricks and curl up in your lap. If want to see them more get a red light it makes seeing them when they are out easier. Also how big is he age wise, length, he may feel insecure in bigger viv. My 06' are still in 10 gal and may not move until next summer. MHO susan
I got him about a year ago, and when I got him he was maybe a few months old- pretty small guy. He is in a 20G now. Maybe the night/day cycle is messed up? I use a day lamp from the time I get up 10AM- when I go to bed 1:00AM. Then I use the red lamp.
He does need a day light, but he does need the temp gradient, this can be achieved with the red light. The snakes i use red lights on, they are on 24/7 and at one end of viv. This way you can see them and they get the heat. As I said he may feel insecure in bigger viv, he should have a hide on cool side and warm side. If all temps are correct he will go where he feels comfortable. I occasionaly see mine out roaming but rarely all six at the same. I'm not sure what it is you are looking for in your snake activity wise. susan
My snakes aren't out much if I'm in the room with the lights on. When I leave and turn the lights out and come back for something a half hour later, there are snakes out all over the place. They freeze, as if they are robbers caught in a police spotlight, and then they all make their way back into their hides.

I turned around to check for you. I have 8 snakes, and only one of them is visible at the moment. An adult male. Odds are always better that an adult male will be out looking for love this time of year. For a little while longer, anyway.
I just flipped on the light in Eddy's viv and yep, caught red handed :eek1: . He was making his way off his branch and over to the water bowl and when the lights came on, he froze. :grin01: Lights off, back to cruisin the viv.

I worry about Eddy sometimes(he NEVER seems to come out of that hide!), but one way I calm my fears is by noting the position he's in, then when you come check on him later see if he's switched positions. Usually Eddy has by then and I feel a little better(and I usually get a dirty look from him the second time. :dgrin: )
vertigofm said:
I got him about a year ago, and when I got him he was maybe a few months old- pretty small guy. He is in a 20G now. Maybe the night/day cycle is messed up? I use a day lamp from the time I get up 10AM- when I go to bed 1:00AM. Then I use the red lamp.
Earlier I meant to day they do not need a day light. You still haven't addressed the temp situation.
I don't understand you think the night /day cycle being messed up corn snakes are not nocturnal. :shrugs: susan
vertigofm said:
That's basically my snake. At day, temps are 80's in hot side, room temp (low 70's high 60's on cool side). At night It's like 68 in his cage (read that was fine because they can adjust). Yet he used to be all out and about when he was younger in his 10G, now in his 20G he goes and hides in his substrate and basically chills all day and night hiding, only coming out once every couple of days to look for food.
Just to clear up something, snakes CAN'T "adjust" to temps that are too high or too low. Snakes are ectotherms; their temps are dependant on their environment. You're better off providing a temperature gradient as SusanG recommended, giving them a range of temps from which to choose at all times. Your snake may also be overwhelmed by the size of its enclosure. Make sure it has plenty of cozy hiding places across the temp gradient. These are just suggestions for the overall health of your snake, not remedies for his secretive behavior. They're secretive animals. :shrugs:
In the winter my cool side temps sometimes drop down to 68-69 and it didn't seem to bother them. Warm side is always 82-84. Summertime tends to be about 78 cool side, 75 the last few days as its been cooler out. The snake room only gets a/c from another room so never gets that cool in the summer.
AND WHAT DO OUR SNAKES "THINK" OF US? I wonder if they think we are boring or cruel for caging them.

It's not all about us and our need to get something FROM our snakes and other pets. It's ALSO, equally about what we can GIVE and provide for them.

Like basebal, snake ownership is a game of great moments, followed by long periods of inactivity or less than thrilling occurences. If you live for the moments, the pauses are worth it.

I put my snake in a stunning viv with a visually appealing composition for me to enjoy and look at. I created an indoor garden with live plants, rocks, branches for me to enjoy as Jo is a burrower, big time. She's developing TUNNELS in her bioactive substrate. Like she never wants to see the light of day again and is working her way towards that! How odd and cute!

For her, i created multiple hides, levels, temperature gradient, surfaces, and options to encourage a wider variety of behaviours and also for her to experince different scents, textures, even ways to put/twist her body.

A trip outside is also fun. People on the street come by without fail and it's an educational and socail event. Not boring in the least.

Perhaps changing your thinking will help refresh your love for your pet:

"What else can I give to this creature or add to her environment to help her gain a variety of experiences and think I am a great owner?"


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vertigofm said:
I got him about a year ago, and when I got him he was maybe a few months old- pretty small guy. He is in a 20G now. Maybe the night/day cycle is messed up? I use a day lamp from the time I get up 10AM- when I go to bed 1:00AM. Then I use the red lamp.
Unless you are using it to provide warmth, the snake doesn't need the lamps, either day or red. It will do just fine with whatever ambient light is in the room. As corn snakes are most active at dawn and dusk, he might come out more if you reduce all that artificial sunlight in his eyes.
diamondlil said:
But that's basically what snakes do!
I agree with you here lil a 100%. I have seen many people here and on other sites and in person who after awhile find that their snakes are not the most exciting of animals. Snakes hide most of the time and sleep most of the day. They are not the most active animals to own. They are great pets but they are secretive. I am in my computer/snake room and I can tell you from all the snakes I have, I see one moving about. the others are either hiding or sleeping.
Vertigofm, your temps are pretty much identical to mine...how long have you had your corn? RJ (my corn) never came out at first now he's only always hiding if he's in shed, otherwise he's curled round his plant or just resting somewhere with his head poping out.