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Boy or girl


New member
Can you tell by weight and length if my corn is a boy or girl
George is about 26in long and he is 71g

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The short answer is no. With good clear pictures of his/her tail there are some members here who can take a pretty educated guess (I'm not one of them, I suck at this), or your vet could tell you for sure.
This took a while ago

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Sexing snakes by tail is the least accurate way to do it. From what I can see of your picture my guess is female. However, it is just a guess and more pictures, especially from the underside are needed to make an educated guess.

P.S. Just to be clear my guess has a 50/50 chance of being right!
Thank you I will take some more pictures of her
Do you think 7 months old corn should weigh
She is about 26in long and weighs 71g
Is that about right ??

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Though a little off topic, George is extremely cute and looks to be growing very well. Glad you are both here!
Thank you George is my first snake we had him at 9 weeks old
I am a 61 years old always wanted a snake
I am so proud of her
Thank you again
Pat x

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Thank you I will take some more pictures of her
Do you think 7 months old corn should weigh
She is about 26in long and weighs 71g
Is that about right ??

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Size is a matter of individual genes as well as how they've been fed. That is bigger than any of mine were at that age, so I'd say he's growing well!
Hi to you all I have got a Carolina and a Amal corn snakes both about 9 months old the Carolina has got a long and thin tail from her bum
And George my Amal has a thicker tail and not as long from his bum the part where the poos comes from
Have I got a boy and a girl ?
Looked it up on the internet but I trust your opinion
More than the web
Pat x

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Experienced snake breeders can usually sex corn snakes by visually checking the tail differences in mature snakes. However, most won't guarantee the sex on sale snakes unless they have either popped the snake at a young age, verified sex with a probe at a later date, or both. I bought a beautiful female tessera as a 3 year old, from a reputable breeder. Prior to breeding season we checked her with a probe and the female turned out to be a male. The breeder said he popped the snake while young, and visually checked it before shipping and was sure it was a female. I admit, looking at the tail I thought it was a female too. If you intend to breed your snakes, have a skilled person or veterinarian probe them.
Thank you for getting back to me
When they older I will take your advice .
I don't think I will breed them but it would be nice to know what sex they are
Thank you pat x

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You can call the part his poos come from his vent. You can also refer to the anal plate which is the scale just above the vent. You can also refer to the cloaca which is the internal part that the poo and pee come out of. I usually say vent and it is well understood.

Usually the total tail length is shorter in a female, but we can barely guess from your description. For now pick your best guess and go with it. If you take your snake to a reptile vet, the vet should be able to do a probe for you.
Thank you Dollysmom I wii remember what things are called thank you very much
Pat x

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If you remember or not, it's fine. I've always come to vocabulary, naturally. I remember vent because it's the same in birds and I had budgies when I was growing up.