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BP Rescue Rant


Shameless Addict
Oh, where to begin...

So, my friend got a ball python at a pet store two years ago, and since then not only has she acquired about twenty or so more animals (slight exaggeration, but just barely), but has also not much taken care of them. She's cleaned the tank maybe...3 times? I myself have cleaned it twice while I was over there because I couldn't stand the squalor conditions in which it was living. I've bought her mice because she's been on maintenance feed; I got her a 29 gallon tank as an upgrade from her 20 long, which isn't bad, but I wanted her to have more room--and they left it in their car for 6 months instead of carrying it upstairs for use; last time I was over, I noticed she had dented eye caps and a little stuck shed, so I soaked her, sprayed down her tank, and bought them sphagnum moss to use in a moist hide--which they didn't bother doing, either.

So, finally I got them to bring the poor gal over to me, saying I could clean her tank and feed her. And dear god, what a task! The aspen she was on was a solid, molding mat of poo and stuck shed pieces, and it smelled like rotting fish! x.x She was covered in stuck sheds,stillhas dented eyes, and was jumpy I assume from not being held, but it could've just been she can't tell what's coming at her. I spent an hour cleaning her tank, scrubbing it, and finally using a razorblade to get the crud from the stuck sheds, hard water, and poo off the sides. Then I spent an hour plus trying to clean her too-small water bowl with a razorblade as well, because it wasSOcaked with buildup that I thought the thing wasBROWN--lo and behold, it's actually gray and black! Ended up giving her a different, bigger water bowl that I borrowed from one of my corns that may be gravid and doesn't need a large water bowl right now, anyway. I soaked her for a while during this cleaning process to help her get the stuck shed she still has off, and I think I got it all off, but I'll try again in a few days.

She is currently in the 29 gallon that I re-took from them and cleaned-up. She has that bigger water dish, which last time I peeked at her, she was soaking in. She is currently on the same paper bedding I keep my corns on (Eco Bedding--it's essentially shredded paper). She has a half-log hide, and I made her up a moist hide with the sphagnum moss and a couple of moist paper towels she can crawl through. Her tank is pretty bare at the moment, but I plan on fixing it up a bit with a climbing stick at least, maybe a few other things (any ideas?). I covered half of the tank to try to give her some privacy, since I'm sure she's been through a lot today. They last fed her two weeks ago, and while tomorrow is feeding day for my snakes, I'm going to let her settle in for a few days before I try to feed her, weigh her, and take pictures of her (not in that order). Ireallywish I had taken a picture of her stuff before I had cleaned it!! It was so ridiculous! But all I could think was "dear god, I need to clean this". How can someone let their pet's home get that bad?? :/

I use "her" loosely, by the way. She has some pretty evident spurs, but from what I understand, this doesn't dictate that she HAS to be a he. Thinking about asking a friend to sex her.

Anyway, needed to vent. I promise to get pics of the little gem for you guys when I can. :]
Is she going to be staying with you? good luck and hopefully you'll have her much more comfortable and healthy soon
Wow! what a neglect!
Pore snake.. Hope the snake will shed soon.
hopefully she will be a healty snake soon!
She is staying with me for now. My hope is that their sheer laziness will prevent them from from taking her back. But I at least want to give her a couple of good meals and have her shed one whole shed at least once. :/
Poor baby! Don't give her back!!

There's a REALLY good sticky down in my personal forum about BP basics. You might want to just look it over.
Or visit www.ball-pythons.net
I go there a lot for my BP. I am so sorry to hear about the living conditions, and it's difficult too because it was your friend who did this. But I am glad the snake is with you. If you have the time and money, I might suggest bringing it to the vet to be honest... I know BPs are very particular when it comes to humidity and temperature (especially comparing to corn snakes) and can easily acquire respiratory illnesses if their ambient temps regularly drop below 75F.
Keep on an eye on any emerging health symptoms (as I'm sure you have been!)

Best of luck to you and your new girl :)
Thanks, Nanci. I'll check it out. :3

I don't want to give her back. But she's not my animal, I can't just say no, you can't have her back. I am, however going to lecture her about ball python care, maybe send her to ball-pythons.net (thanks, NH93, I visited there yesterday to make sure I was setting her up right.).
Well you can say no I guess. You can say I am NOT giving you back this living creature cos you SUCK as a human being, and if you want to take me to court for it go ahead but it will be over my cold and dead body that you take this animal back to a life of abuse and pain

but that's just me :uzi:
Glad she is getting some good care now!
If it were one of my friends I would probably say something like "Hey I've decided I really like her and am going to keep her! You can come visit anytime you want :)" If the friend said no I would like her back, I would call them out on the care that was given in the past.
So, saw her cruising around. Decided to stick my hand in there, because I have stupid compulsions like that, and she crawled right up, tongue-flicking away. Since I had her out for a minute, decided to weigh her: 604g. Pretty sure that's small for a 2 year old.
If it is indeed a "she" it could be small. But doesn't sound starving. If she was only fed every two weeks (as you mentioned her last feeding was two weeks ago) she could be growing slowly because of that.
They said they fed her whenever she was cruising and looking for food. They didn't use any sort of schedule. They also said they had fed her earlier this week, but after sorting it all out, turns out they fed her on October 6th. Going to feed her tomorrow, one because she needs it, and two because she really hasn't been skittish or anything. Starting her on a rat pup I have that's too large for my corns, and going to work her up as long as I can. Her eye caps are already starting to round back out. :3
awesome. I am so happy to hear that you were able to resue that poor animal. I agree that giving the snake back may jepordize its health. I understand that as far as ownership, it technically belongs to them but with the horrendous conditions it was putting up with I cant say that I wouldnt do the same. Best of luck
I feel like the sunken eyes may have been due to dehydration - as an aside. Make sure to keep a LOT of clean water with her :) I bet those baths helped!
Every two weeks for a ball python is more than acceptable....pythons and boas are slow metabolizers and do not require a lot of food to do fine....look at the number of balls that fast for sometimes 8 months and still do fine. Weekly feedings on most snakes is overfeeding....I'm very glad she's out of that home and I think I'd make them pry her or him from my cold dead fingers as well...abuse is abuse...I hope you took pictures of her, the cage and the conditions so that you could tell them you are reporting them if they try to take her back....unreal!
The scary thing is how many more animals get this kind of care or worse. I don't like thinking about it. Don't give it back. I would hope someone neglecting their pet that bad would be willing to give it to you.
I figured the dented eyes were lack of humidity. That's why I had originally bought the sphagnum, but they didn't use it. I'm hoping maintaining the humidity and a good shed will completely clear those up. :3

And every two weeks wouldn't worry me. But they just fed her whenever they noticed her out! I don't believe it was every two weeks, or on any sort of schedule, because they thought they had fed her earlier this week, and it's been over 2 weeks now.

And, no, I didn't get before and after pics, and I'm really irked about that. But all I could think was how I needed to clean her up.
Well if you WANT to keep her that is - but I suppose you could try it nicely to start with - say you are really fond of her, and obviously they aren't that bothered ... then if they respond no we want her back, you can SAY you have pics of the appalling set up and will report them to whatever animal protection group there is - or post them on facebook or youtube or whatever.

I know its a bluff, but they might back down. And it seems wrong to build her up and then hand her back to that kind of treatment ...
I would love to have her. She's pretty chill. I will try to keep her, but that's if they even bother asking for her back. They came over yesterday and didn't even ask about her. o_O

Fed her tonight, she weighed in at 603g this time, her rat pup was 28g, so about 5% of her body weight--which from what I've been told is about half of what her meals should be, but like I said, I wanted to start small. She snatched it up the second it dropped in! Got a few pics before feeding her, and a couple of her latched onto her rat before covering her back up and giving her some privacy. :3

Link form, because crappy tablet pics are annoying to resize, and blurry no matter what. But eh. My camera was dead, sorry, guys. :/
Ball 1, not sure if it's noticeable, but there's definitely a more-than-normal peak in her spine.
Ball 2, bottom left shows a bit of the skin wrinkling she has.
I like her nifty tail stripe.
My preccciousssss...
Personally I think the weight looks fairly good but it's slightly underweight. I think people are so used to seeing obese snakes they don't know what the muscle ridge looks like on the top of the snake or freak out seeing some ribs. If you ever find pictures of wild snakes, they are lean ribby animals.....their spines won't show, but they definitely have definition.... I think just regular meals the size of her body width every 2-3 weeks would be fine. The benefit of not feeding as often though is evident in her great feeding response. Allow a snake to actually get hungry instead of shoving food in their mouths every week and they become active and eat whenever you feed them. I hope the losers just never bother to ask for her back.....I'd document when you got her though so if sometime down the road and she's looking awesome they don't decide that NOW they want her back!