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breeder mice are fighting- suggestions?


New member
I started 1.2 mice on the thirteenth to try to offset the costs of feeding my hatchlings;) and then i introduced another female on the 24th. I hadn't tried this before, but i figured that way the 'birthdays' would be staggered a bit so i would always have a few live...
the problem is that the new female seems to be getting 'beat up' I think by the other females. It has mellowed considerably the last few days, however i think they still occasionally chase her around. I am expecting the original 0.2 to have their babies in the next week or two, and i am not sure if this 'cagemate rivlary' going to result in eaten or rejected babies.
should i take the latecomer out to be sure? Any suggestions?
Watch them carefully, if they have stopped beating on her then you can *probably* leave her there. If they are still beating on her, go ahead and take her out. You can't really add to a mouse colony. They are hatefull little critters, and yes, they will kill a newcomer if they can. Check her for wounds, if they have her bleeding then go ahead and take her out, once they have drawn blood it almost always continues until the new mouse is dead.

SOME mice don't seem to have a problem with the colony changing, but MOST mice will not tolerate it.

The best way to add to an established colony is to allow one of the babies reared in that tank to reach sexual maturaty (about 6 weeks).
yes i should have thought of this before i threw the new gal in... i have bred them before but never tried to introduce a new one... It does seem that they've 'put her in her place' now and are for the most part leaving her alone... i feel bad to have subjected her to that, though!!:rolleyes: oh well next time i'll know
Thats why i dont like to breed mice. My rats don't seem to care if i bring a new rat in there colony at all they are all mellow.