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Breeders expo in daytona


New member
Is anyone going to be at the breeders expo August 17-18 in daytona? Just wondering becouse im going to be there and it will be my first show. I am 13 also so many people think i know nothing about repties cant care for them and have no money. My mom also wants to come becouse she likes reptiles but it will be our first show for us both. If i could meet somone at the show just to hang out with or somthin would be cool. I live in Jacksonville so only bout an hour drive. We may go on saturday or maybe both but its still early. I cant wait :p.

Well see ya there if nyones going.
I am planning to go.
But then I am much further away from the show than you are. I live in Canada........I have already checked the price on air tickets....it's around 420 for the ticket to go there and I expect to live there in a hotel for 2 nights at around 100 dollars per night. So that is a minimum cost of 620......which is quite expensive....but still PLANNING to go.....
we'll see later....

but trust me DustinWaller, you are going to enjoy the expo. That is going to the best expo that you are going to be in. It's the world largest expo and tons of breeders are going to be there.

If I go, hope to see you there!
I'll be there

I've already booked my trip...I'm going to the show AND Disney World. What a great vacation! I'm still trying to figure out how to get animal purchases back to Maryland, though, without costing me a fortune to ship.
Southwest Airlines does not allow snakes in the passenger compartment. :(

I guess I might just have to wait till the Mid-Atlantic Show...it's right here in MD. I just have to hope that all the good stuff isn't gone by then...
Hi Dustin

I'm still pea green that you live sooo close to the show(and to Rich)!! How do you like this site? I told you it was great!
Do you know when you'll be moving into that great apartmant yet? Your so excited about it, I hope it's soon.

Well have fun at the show and don't spend all your money!!

:p Colleen

hehe you guys said its the best show in the world. How am i not going to spend all my money. 200 bucks will be gone in probly 3 hours.
im 13 also!

Hey dustin! I will be there for saturday and maybe sunday and i also am 13! I could meet you there or anyone there.. let me knoe if you want to meet up,i will also be with my mum and pop.

I will be there with a $100 or so :D ! and will spend it all heheheh and i only live 50 miles from daytone in port saint lucie!

Hehe, I'm going to daytona too. Be careful - last year's daytona expo was my first show - it'll give you some really high standards! REMEMBER: bring lots of cash if you plan on buying anything. Lots of places only accept cash.

There's gonna be some really cool stuff there. Bring a camera with lots of film!
hehehe,A camrea?

Hey i got a digi cam that can take movies and stores up to 200 photos! :p think that will do?! :D I just cant wait till the show,i am planning on getting a blizzard mix or snow mix of some sort hmmm maybe even a blood red?! lol cant make up my mind,I am also going to look at pythons and kings,mmm espeacialy a banana cal king or scarlet king! soo mant to choose from! :D I just cant wait!


Scarlet snakes? lol there are two different ones in florida,a scarlet snake and a scarlet king snake! I want the kingsnake vesion,plus you can trick them out of their reptile eggs only habit,take a lizard or pinkie and rub it in egg yoke,not the wite stuff,the yellow stuff,and rub it around in it,then put a little bit on the snakes nose and let it lick it! :D ta da! he wants the lizard or mouse! but some will still be picky,so you have to inventive with ways to trick them. :p but then again you can just feed them reptile eggs!
Some scarlet snakes will drink chicken egg out of a dish, at least, that's what my book says. I never find anything interesting that's alive. Always brown snakes.
oh no! uht oh!

Anyone know where exactly this show is going to be,cause all i know is datona! lol :D And does anyone know if there is a map or a website? :p i guess you can call me a "Dumb blonde" but in guy version! lol

LOL thanks dustin,from there i got the address and put it onto a map thingy and now i have door to door directions! Hey what hotel do you guys think you will be staying in? We are staying in the madison resort,which is $89 for double,and its on the ocean! And as i said earlyer!
but some will still be picky
Too bad about that scarlet snake dustin! They are soo neat!