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Breeders I should look for?


New member
Looking for folks possibly selling, or that have hatched out 14's (or will) of said morphs/traits:

-Selectively bred Miami Phase types (Already know of Nanci, Walter's and Heather's projects)
-High White Reverse Okeetee
-Amel Stripe or Sunglow Stripe
-Any Zig Zag (outside of normals, ie: Amel, Anery, etc.)

Just curious as to who would be best to talk to. As I consider my third cornsnake purchase I am looking at pricing these types so I can figure out exactly which direction to head with my limited money.

Also, I remember reading a while back on some thread that sunglow may have some defective gene with it or what have you... did I misread, or was this another type of cornsnake I am referring to mistakenly?

For those I've contacted regarding possible purchases, please do not think I am not considering those. Just trying to do my homework as this will likely be my last snake purchase until I move into a new home (4 - 5 years).

Thanks for your help all.
Looking for folks possibly selling, or that have hatched out 14's (or will) of said morphs/traits:

-Selectively bred Miami Phase types (Already know of Nanci, Walter's and Heather's projects)
-High White Reverse Okeetee
-Amel Stripe or Sunglow Stripe
-Any Zig Zag (outside of normals, ie: Amel, Anery, etc.)

Just curious as to who would be best to talk to. As I consider my third cornsnake purchase I am looking at pricing these types so I can figure out exactly which direction to head with my limited money.

Also, I remember reading a while back on some thread that sunglow may have some defective gene with it or what have you... did I misread, or was this another type of cornsnake I am referring to mistakenly?

For those I've contacted regarding possible purchases, please do not think I am not considering those. Just trying to do my homework as this will likely be my last snake purchase until I move into a new home (4 - 5 years).

Thanks for your help all.
As far as Miami's go, Carol Huddleston (LBR) is known for the best Miami's. Many of us have her lines. (The dam to my Miami Tessera clutch is LBR line.)
One of my friends (outside of here) has a clutch of Miami's from one of Carol's top shelf (best of the best) Miami's. I will be getting at least one of those babies, myself.

I've not heard anything about Sunglow have any type of problems, genetically. They are a selectively bred Amel, that has an added red influence to it (not sure if it is Red Coat-recessive or Red Factor/Strawberry-dominant).

Lavenders seem to be more prone to kinks, but there is recent talk of the possibility that the gene does better incubating at lower temps.

I have seen some kinking in Pied Bloodreds, that I think is more common with that gene.

No one (that I know of) has tested either of these genes to see if it is predominantly genetic, or incubation related.
Basically attempting to keep costs with shipping below 200 for said morphs. I realize that may be impossible here, but I know a couple of the types I'm looking for mentioned are priced lower (mostly the Amels and Sunglows) from what I've seen on various sites such as VMS and what have you.

Not sure as to credibility of the sites I'm looking at as I've only purchase one snake off of cornsnakes.com through Mr. Mulks, but that experience was very good, so I feel like I'd be comfortable finding a reputable breeder here.
Also, I apologize if my lingo and/or jargon is way off base. I know it is in some areas. Been away for a while and never quite mastered that whole gene vocabulary. Pardon the ignorance.
You could get a very nice pair of Miami's for less than $200 shipped. Probably even Miami Motleys, which are very nice!
Only have room for one right now, as tempting and appetizing as two sounds. Wish I could, wife just would not be on board with that. One is hard enough to convince at this rate with our space we have here.

I'll jot that tid bit down to memory :) .
I'll be having gorgeous amel stripes, any day! If you want to see mom and dad, dad is an amel stripe. His name is Squirrel, if you search for him.

I've never heard sunglow associated with any defects.

Dave Partington might have some oddly patterned animals.

Steve Roylance is the person for high white Okeetees, but there are a few others- they're out there. Walter, maybe?
My Sunkissed come from tested lines (PJ Coombs and Steve Roylance both have tested line Sunkissed). There are others who do as well, those are who my SK's are from.
SMR(South Mountain Reptiles) has some amazing snakes. I have purchase an extreme okeetee from Don and he's been great to work with. His High white reverse okeetees are very nice