African House Snake King
Has anyone tried this or does anyone know of anyone who has. What I am thinking about here is breeding a pair of say 5.5-6 footers or more if such can be found. Then contining to breed large animals with some back breeding of the largest off spring etc. Of course bringing in genes from other lines but picking the largest as well.
To me a corn is so impressive at 6 feet when you can find one. (I caught several wild ones of this size in Florida as a kid do wild corn snakes generaly grow bigger then captives?) it would be great to maximize the size of these snakes. Even a plain jane amel or okeetee etc looks amazing at the upper limit of corn snake size.
Anyone ever try it? Would it work? I can't see why it would not,
To me a corn is so impressive at 6 feet when you can find one. (I caught several wild ones of this size in Florida as a kid do wild corn snakes generaly grow bigger then captives?) it would be great to maximize the size of these snakes. Even a plain jane amel or okeetee etc looks amazing at the upper limit of corn snake size.
Anyone ever try it? Would it work? I can't see why it would not,