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Breeding Plans for 2008!


Down with the sickness
Insiders Club
Low Belly Reptiles 2008 Pricelist

Miamis & Miami projects

#1 Striped Miami Motley X Miami het Hypo and Amel* ~ Unavailable
FMM (2823) X Tootsie (2826)
Miamis het Motley $60 ea

#2 Maimi het Motley X Miami Motley ~ Hatchlings are here!
MHM (2853) X MMM (2822)
Miamis het Motley $50
Miami Motleys $125

#3 Miami Motley X Miami Motley ~ Clutch has gone bad :(
Tampa (1269) X MMM (2822)
Miami Motleys $100-$125 depending on color and pattern

#4 Keys Miami male het Cinder X Upper Keys ~ Hatchlings are here!
MTwin (2806) X Upper Keys (2856)
Keys X Miami crosses poss. het Cinder $50 ea

#5 Miami het Amel X Miami het Amel and Hypo ~ Hatchlings are here!
Clint Miami (2857) X Tootsie (2826)
Miamis $50
Candy Canes $75

#6 Hypo Miami X the same ~ Hatchlings are here!
WSHM (2827) X New Hypo Miami male (5378)
Hypo Miamis $75

#7 Aztec Miami X Hypo Miami ~ Hatchlings are here!
Party(2879) X New Hypo Miami male (5378)
Miamis $50

Cinder projects

#8 Lava het Amel X Amel Cinder ~ Hatchlings are here!*
1905 X 2903
Classics het Amel Lava Cinder $400
Amels het Lava Cinder $600

#9 Amel Stripe X Amel Cinder ~ Hatchlings are here!
2816 X 2903
Amels het Cinder Stripe $500

#10 Fire X Amel Cinder ~ Eggs are here!
5377 X 2903
Amels het Cinder Blood $500

#11 Butter X Amel Cinder ~ Hatchlings are here!
2886 X 2903
Amels het Butter Cinder $500

#12 Cinder het Hypo X Sunkissed ~ Hatchlings are here!
2904 X 5380
Classics het Sunkissed Cinder $400

#13 Candy Cane X Cinder het Amel ~ Hatchlings are here!
Shelia (2831) X Zman (2865)
Classics het Amel Cinder $150
Amels het Cinder $300

#14 Keys Miami het Amel Cinder X Cinder ~ Hatchlings are here!
VHead (2804) X Cinder (5381)
Cinders $650
Amel Cinders $1,250

#15 Keys Miami het Amel Cinder X the same ~ Hatchlings are here!
FTwin (2803) X Mama’s Boy (2805)
Cinders $650
Amel Cinders $1,250

#16 Keys Miami poss. het Amel Cinder X Cinder ~ Starting to wonder if my female is a male. :(
Both to be registered
Classics het Cinder $100
Cinders $650

#17 Milksnake Phase Motley X Zagged Cinder ~ Hatchlings are here!
2869 X 2907
Classics het Cinder Motley $250

#18 Amel Motley X Cinder het Amel
Candy (2906) X Zman (2865) * OOPS! Bred this female to the wrong male.
Pairing now Candy Cane Motley (2906) X Miami Motley (2822) ~Iffy clutch :(

#19 Amel Motley X Amel Cinder ~ Eggs are here!
5376 X Pepperment (2903)
Amels het Cinder Motley $500

Lavender projects

#20 & #21 Classic het Hypo Lav Blood X Lav Blood het Hypo
TH1 (2836) X Pretty Boy (3024) ~ Hatchlings are here!
TH2 (2837) X Pretty Boy (3024) ~ Hatchlings are here!
Normals het Lav Blood $30
Hypos het Lav Blood $75
Lavenders het Blood $90
Bloods het Lav $75
Hypo Lavenders het Blood $150
Hypo Bloods het Lavender $150
Lavender Bloodreds $300
Hypo Lavender Bloodreds $650

#22 Classic het Hypo Lav Blood Anery X Anery Lav * ~ Hatchlings are here!
2891 X 2948

#23 Classic het Hypo Lav Blood X High Pink Lav poss. het Hypo Blood ~ Clutch went bad :(
2890 X 3178
Normals het Lav $20
Hypos het Lav $30
Lavenders $50
Bloods het Lav $60
Hypo Lavenders $75
Hypo Bloods het Lavender $150
Lavender Bloodreds $300
Hypo Lavender Bloodreds $650

#24 Hypo Mot poss. het Anery Lav X Anery Lav w/unknown hets ~ Clutch went bad :(
3993 X 2948
Normals het Ghost Lavender Motley $30
Hypos het Anery Lavender Motley $50

#25 Hypo het Anery Lav Motley X Anery Lav w/unknown hets * ~ Clutch went bad :(
Flame (2877) X 2948

#26 Hypo Lav X Hypo Lav Motley ~ Hatchlings are here!
Gift (3026) X Jackpot (2563)
Hypo Lavs het Motley $100

#27 Hypo Charcoal Anery X Anery Lav ~ Hatchlings are here!
1161 X 2948
Anerys het Hypo Charcoal Lav $75

#28 & #29 Hypo het Lav Stripe X Hypo Lav Motley ~ Hatchlings are here!
2944 X Jackpot (2563)
2945 X Jackpot (2563)
Hypos het Lav Motley $40
Hypo Motleys het Lav Stripe $75
Hypo Lavs het Motley $100
Hypo Lav Motleys $250

Hypo Pewter projects

# 30 Charcoal het Hypo Pewter X Hypo Pewter ~ Hatchlings are here!
Charf (2860) X (3181)
Charcoals het Hypo Pewter $40
Phantoms het Pewter $85
Pewters het Hypo $125
Hypo Pewters $250

#31 Bloodred het Hypo Charcoal X the same ~ Hatchlings are here!
2847 X 2848
Bloods poss. het Hypo Charcoal $60
Hypo Bloods poss. het Charcoal $100
Pewters poss. het Hypo $100
Hypo Pewters $250

Lava Pewter & Lava Granite projects

#32 Classic het Charcoal Lava Blood ph Anery X Anery het Charcoal Lava Blood * ~ Hatchlings are here!
1315 X 1086
Anerys $20
Charcoals het Anery $30
Bloods het Anery $75
Lavas het Anery $100
Ice $150
Pewters het Anery $125
Granites $125
Lava Bloods het Anery (males only) $1,200
All Lava Pewters, Lava Charcoals and Ice Bloods will be keepers

#33a & #33b Classic het Ice Blood X Anery het Lava Blood
A 3027 X 1086 ~ Eggs are here!
B 3028 X 1086 ~ Eggs are here!
2 Pairings
Anerys $20
Bloods het Anery $75
Lavas het Anery $100
Ice $150
Granites $125
Lava Bloods het Anery (males only) $1,200

Miscellaneous projects

#34 Bubblegum Snows ~ Hatchlings are here!
2897 X 2896Pepto X Bismol
Bubblegum Snows $100

#35 Stripe het Blood poss. Homo Blood X Bloodred ~ Hatchlings are here!
2947 X 2840
Poss. Blood Stripe X SBblood
Testing my male to see if he is homo for Blood
Normals het Blood Stripe $20
Bloods het Stripe $50

#36 Okeetee Motley project female X Bloodred ~ Eggs are here!
Live Only (2845) X Him (2817)
This female often throws offspring that appear to be het Blood so I’m just playing around a little.
Normals het Blood Motley $20

#37 Bloodred X Suspected Fire Motley * ~ Hatchlings are here!
B.Blood (1168) X 3030
*Change of plans, Fire Mot too young to breed, used male Bloodred 2817 instead.

#38 Amel Motley X Suspected Fire Motley *
No Name (2838) X 3030
*Male appears to be too young to breed at this time.

#39 & #40 Aberrant Milksnake Phase Motley X Sunkissed
Weirdo (2852) X Sunkissed male (5380) ~ Hatchling are here!
Sunkissed female (5379) X Couch (2864) ~ Hatchlings are here!
I see a lot of similarities between some of my MSPM’s and Sunkissed so I’m just gonna test to be sure.
Classics het Sunkissed Motley $60

#41 Classic het Blizzard Blood Motley X the same * ~ Hatchlings are here!
2894 X 2895
We’ll just have to see what comes out. ;)

#42 Hurricane Anery Mot het Amel X Reverse Okeetee ~ Hatchlings are here!
3182 X 3338
$40 for “Okeeteeish” normals het Amel Motley
$70 for RO’s het Motley, Amels that do not look like RO’s will be wholesaled.


#43 Mexican Black Kingsnakes ~ Hatchlings are here!
$35-$60 depending on color, $60 for solid black animals.

#44 Biard’s Ratsnakes ~ Hatchlings are here!
$40 each

Add on Pairings:

#1~ Bloodred X Hypo Pewter* ~ Hatchilngs are here!
2818 X 3181
Bloods het Hypo Pewter $75
#2~ Okeetee Motley project female X Reverse Okeetee ~ Eggs are here!
2898 X 3338
Okeetees het Motley $50
#3~ Thick Bordered Miami X Miami ~ Eggs are here!
1267 X Unregistered
Miamis $50

Fine Print for 2008
I will only be keeping waiting lists for PREPAID animals this year. Prepaid animals (pairs or lone males) will qualify for a 20% discount off listed prices. I will not accept prepayment for lone females. If I do hatch extra females, they will be offered to those on the waiting list first. Waiting lists for each clutch will start when I get eggs. Refunds will be offered only in the event that I do not produce the animal you paid for. If you change your mind on what morph you want I will give you a credit towards other animals, however your “spot in line” is not transferable and you will have to pick from stock on hand.
I will be making a thread in my forum for each pairing when they begin breeding. If you are interested in getting updates on certain pairings, the best thing to do is to subscribe to these threads. For those who are interested in prepayment, subscribing to these threads is a good way to find out when eggs have finally arrived. I will update threads with breeding, laying, hatching, and establishing progress as well as when hatchlings from that clutch are for sale.
All pairings that have an asterisk (*) after are not eligible for prepayment. Some of my pairings will produce normals that I have not added to the pricelist. These normals will most likely go straight to wholesale unless someone inquires about them ahead time and we come to a prepayment agreement. Feel free to email me with any questions.
Thanks for looking!
[email protected]
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The last post here was in February?
I'm interested in getting a charcoal within the next month or so....
I don't know. They just barely shed before I went on vacation so it will be a couple of weeks before I know what's available. :)