Hello to all. I have completed my outdoor herps room. it is complete with all i need including a climate control system. My intent is to move my collection of Corn Snakes into it. I have 22 adults, 9 yearlings and 65, 03 babies. This winter i will maintain a temp of between 60-65 degrees f. Because i live in South Florida, that means the air conditioner will be on alot more then the heat will. I will control the light, as i have read to duplicate winter. My main question is as follows. The adults should benefit from the brumation period. But what about the young ones, is brumation benefical to them, or am I asking for trouble. I do have options. I just received my heated and lighted rack systems from The Boaphile. Even though the room will be cold and dark, I should be able to maintain a temp of 70 to 85 in the racks I chose by using the heat and or lights built into the rack sysyem. Anybody ever brumate babies? Thanks again REG