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bulge isnt going


New member
hey everyone

I got this snake a while ago and he was fed pinkies ever since he was born and hes about 1 year old 50 cm
anyways i thought I wold give him a fuzzy and see and he ate it after 30 mins of swallowing
I thought it was long but didnt want to interupt him because thats not good for them and all
well that was wednesday afternoon and now its saturday and the bulge isnt going
is this all right or is something wrong
please help
thank you


Just a thought, but if your snake is a year old and only been fed pinkies, its digestive system would take a while to adjust to the larger feed item and may require longer to digest its meal.

I suggest you turn the temp up a little(about 80) to help the process.

Oh and you could also try a bath(luke warm).

Hope this helps............................STEVE:)
thanks alot everyone well its starting to go now
it wouldnt have been he swallowed bark cause hes got carpet stuff
and his in the basement caues thats where I am so his temp is at max 25 in day and his got a night light about 20 celcius at night
I know these are under but ILl e getting him A heating pad soon
thanks alot