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So this has pretty much been a week of hell for poor Sebby, my 2 year old corn (and me too!) He had refused a feed, and with him being a fussy feeder, my usual practice is to leave him completely alone for a week then offer him one again, so i didn't notice a small burn had appeared on his neck. Unbeknown to me, Sebby's thermostat stopped working and for what i can only assume was up to a week, his heat mat was effectively unstatted. He also chose that moment to find a gap in the lino covering it and went underneath the lino so was directly on the heat mat. His thermometer had broken and when the replacement arrived a week later i saw the temperature and immediately checked it out then realised the issue. He has approximately 3 small patches of dry looking skin and i assume they're burns. You can only see them when you look closely, so when i checked on him every day, because i didn't handle him i couldn't see them. Here is some photos - he was very unsettled and not his normal calm self so they're not the best quality. The white marks you see on them are not actually very visible in reality.


I gave him a lukewarm bath and intend to do this daily. I also changed his heating so that it is now statted and safe - is there anything else i should or shouldn't do?
Poor guy.. :(

I would take out the aspen, and replace it with paper towels, something nice and soft for him.

I would also apply a topical ointment like polysporin, just make sure it dose not have any pain relieving agents as these are bad for corns.

I don't know how much this with help, but I know it will help with keeping the areas moist.
I knew somebody whose snake survived a house fire - I don't know the ins and outs but all I know is that he had them at his mums house temporarily for Christmas and the heat mat caught fire to the carpet. As far as I know, the snake survived but not sure if he ever shed out the burns. Like Justine said above, if you can apply some sort of lotion to stop it from cracking open or anything then it should help. Thought it might put your mind at rest if you knew that a snake had come out of much worse - although its still not nice. Hope he makes a full recovery :)
I gave him a lukewarm bath and intend to do this daily. I also changed his heating so that it is now statted and safe - is there anything else i should or shouldn't do?
I wouldn't bother with the bathing TBH. The general advice for burns on humans is to keep the area clean and dry. I suspect bathing will just disturb him for no reason.

I can't really make out any damage in the pics, so I don't think it's a major issue. I'd hope to see it resolved with his next shed.