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Burrows and Ball Pythons?


Snake enthusiast
Ok, so, I have a question about ball pythons and I don't feel like joining a ball python forum to find the answer lol.

From what I've read, in the wild, ball pythons will inhabit burrows made by other animals. If this is true, wouldn't they benefit from a pre-made burrow in their enclosure?
Maybe? Or maybe they just like the security that a burrow offers, which doesn't necessarily require having a burrow in the enclosure. I know that my Ball Python likes to hang out in a tightly fit half log all day, and he really never tries to burrow. He's actually the least "burrowy" of all of my snakes.

It would be neat to try and build one, though. Maybe something similar to the ones that they sell for Leopard Geckos (except larger).
Build a false floor and have it stand about 4-5 inches off the ground and use some big (like i would think 6-9 inch) PVC, then run it up to the glass and cut the side off so its up against the glass so you can still see him when he is in or jsut leave it whole. or run down at an angle 9 inch PVC and then build a small little room that the lid opens up ontop ( so the false floor would open into his enclosure, just find some way to lock it so he doesnt push open the top) so he has his own little burrow to go hide in. Just a Thought :D I dont know if you want to spend much on doing somehting like this but that just popped in my head and thought I would share it with you. May be more work then you think its worth haha.
Ok, so, I have a question about ball pythons and I don't feel like joining a ball python forum to find the answer lol.

From what I've read, in the wild, ball pythons will inhabit burrows made by other animals. If this is true, wouldn't they benefit from a pre-made burrow in their enclosure?

This is why most BP owners, myself included recommend using a rack system. Mimics a burrow.
I don't own a ball, but if I did I would so build aburrow like that! Id like to see if they'd actually use it. I actually had those burrows in mind, the pre-made ones. Im pretty sure they don't make any large enough for ball pythons as adults though. Someone who has a ball should try this out! Preferably with more than one snake though, to see if its just that one snake or most balls that like burrows. Also, I know they don't make the burrows themselves so that's why they don't burrow into the substrate.
I don't own a ball, but if I did I would so build aburrow like that! Id like to see if they'd actually use it. I actually had those burrows in mind, the pre-made ones. Im pretty sure they don't make any large enough for ball pythons as adults though. Someone who has a ball should try this out! Preferably with more than one snake though, to see if its just that one snake or most balls that like burrows. Also, I know they don't make the burrows themselves so that's why they don't burrow into the substrate.

False. BP's do burrow. At least mine does at times if she wants to get closer to the heat source. Sometimes ill find her half buried in the Aspen!
I don't own a ball, but if I did I would so build aburrow like that! Id like to see if they'd actually use it. I actually had those burrows in mind, the pre-made ones. Im pretty sure they don't make any large enough for ball pythons as adults though. Someone who has a ball should try this out! Preferably with more than one snake though, to see if its just that one snake or most balls that like burrows. Also, I know they don't make the burrows themselves so that's why they don't burrow into the substrate.

Well If you make it your self you open your self to all kinds of options.
One reason not to build a burrow and to just use hides.....
You would have hell of a job cleaning it out as you just know they are gonna crap in there...
Hana, they're pretty much guaranteed to. But if you built it as a box you cover with substrate with a tube leading to the entrance, you could take it out to clean it.
Hana, they're pretty much guaranteed to. But if you built it as a box you cover with substrate with a tube leading to the entrance, you could take it out to clean it.

I think that would be a good idea, it would be sort of like an over sized hide.plus you could leave it "bottomless" so when you pick it up its easy to clean cause it should be on the bottem with the substrate.