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Butters the Butter Stripe~ Eventual Progression Thread


Shameless Addict
These looked fun, so wanted to do one of my baby Butters. :3

A little background~ Got her in February 2012 at the local reptile expo. (Still need to get that breeder's name. xD Will hopefully find out in November.) Anywho, was debating between a few cuties. Was new to the genetics of corn snakes, so wasn't really shopping for a particular morph. Liked her not only for her color, but also because she handled well.

Now she's approx. 9 months old, weighed 36 g this morning (which I hope is good o_O, but she took a long while to move to double-pink size), and always eats like I starve her. :rolleyes:


Her favorite hang-out is that corner by her water dish. Always makes me think it's too hot or something in there, because it's on the cool side of her tank. -paranoidsnakemom-


LOVE her little head spot. Looks like a sparrow in flight. ^_^ (PS~ I have a REALLY loose hold on her in this photo. She climbed up through my hand and just sat with her head there like that, so I was like "picture!".)


A pic of her inside on a cloudy day, but you can still see her yellows. ^_^


Tried to get a couple of in-sun shots of her today to show off how deep in color she is, especially around the neck. With every shed, that dark color moves down just a lil more. ^_^



She's shed 5 times since I've had her (pic to come), and I've retained 4 of the sheds, so I'll post a measurement progression pic with those later. :]
Dante got pictures, so Butters needed some, too! :D

"There appears to be some kind of forcefield..."

"Hey momma! Heyheyhey!"

("Butters, get off my keyboard.... v_v")

"Whatchyaaa dooooiiinnn'? ..."

("Looking at the Internets, Butters. It's easier to see when you're not on it...")

"Are those other snakes??"

("Yes. I enjoy looking around at the other snakes people have.")

"Why look at other snakes when you can look at me? :D"

(-rolls eyes-)
And a few pics of her terrarium as well. Grass patch and driftwood elephant (if you stand this piece up differently, it looks like and elephant. xD I was going to stand it up that way, but it would've been too tall and not as sturdy...although, I thought I'd note that both driftwood pieces for Butters and Dante are hooked to the backs of their tanks.) wrapped in bright autumn leaves that Butters blends into better than she would green ones. xD

And she even has the horror hide. xD But I can't take it out. I tried switching it. She pouted. For days. And when I put it back in, she refused to leave it for days (except feeding day. My fatty likes to eat. xD).

..and her tube (an idea which I got here on the DIY board) and tree.

"My tube. My tree."

("Yes, Butters, that's what I said... v_v")
aha! this is too cute!

I love the comments from her "point of view" ! :D
made my day!

I should do one of these for Sirius once I get a new memory card for my camera.. -.-
When she gets older she will be SMOKING!!! That yellow already is just crazy! Definitely keep this progression updated as she ages and gets brighter!