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Considering all the things you would need to take into consideration, it would probably be much easier to just buy one. There are numerous reptile cage makers/suppiers for the "fancy" cages as well as the more simple ones, or you could go to just about any pet store and purchase a glass tank and a snake-proof lid, or the really cheap and easy way (like I use) and get a tupperware container (or similar brand).
I prefer desighning my cages myself too.

i have a friend that build them for me though.

I took into consideration: Size and escaping.

Heres a link too photos of my cages. The have Bottom Hung Opening Out window doors, with locks.


These all help but im housing a red tailed boa (she is 11ft long!!) she is still at my freinds house so i think ill just. build a very large escape proof box. thanx for all of your input.