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Cal-King With A GREAT Feed Response


Start Wearing Purple
I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned that I work in a reptile store :rolleyes: , but the other day, I was at work, and it was feeding day for all of the baby Colubrids. I am the Official Colubrid Nerd of the joint, so this is one of my tasks. I was about 280 snakes into the job, and surprisingly, no bites yet. Anyone that knows me can tell you that this is quite remarkable.
I opened up the cup of a little Albino Cal-King, and it immediately started stalking my finger. So I did what anyone in my position would do... I offered the snake my finger. It grabbed on and wrapped as quickly as you'd expect a Getula would. But then, it decided that it wasn't going to let go for about 15 minutes. Running water on the snake didn't do a thing. It only let go when I put rubbing alcohol next to it's mouth, on my finger, and even then it was reluctant. After it let go of my finger it moved to a finger on the other hand, and I repeated the snake removal process.
Before I tried removing the snake, we snapped a pic.


Just another day at the office :)
Tula_Montage said:
Lol great picture Trev!!

You havent been around much latley? You been on stalker mode too?
I've been around, but not as much as before. Trying to pay the bills and whatnot. It's been a rough couple of months, but I'm getting by.
Wish my office allowed snakes! We only draw blood from people (laboratory) and generally not with our teeth!
You should have taken that one home Trev and used him to make more evil snakes! Perfect temperment and perserverience (sp?) in that he didn't want to let go.

Love the pic!

Tula_Montage said:
I know exactly what you mean... Merry christmas Trev - keep yer chin up!
Thanks Elle. Merry Christmas to you too.
dionythicus said:
Wish my office allowed snakes! We only draw blood from people (laboratory) and generally not with our teeth!
Don't forget claws. Plenty of blood drawn with claws at my work too :)
Mrs InsaneOne said:
You should have taken that one home Trev and used him to make more evil snakes! Perfect temperment and perserverience (sp?) in that he didn't want to let go.

Love the pic!

You're right. It could've been a double-evil whammy. Agro HIBIRDS!!! :grin01:
That's a great freaking shot there, my friend. Hehehehe.

BTW- my pal who was planning on getting a hoggie decided to hold off a bit...after seeing how many corn morphs there are out there. Hehehehe. Oh yesssss. Right now she's torn between butter corns and...hehehehe...Jungles! How do the jungle hatchlings at Amazon look...are they as nice as yours were?
After handling 280 rodents this guy must have been telling himself, "it sure tastes like a mouse, but it's the weirdest looking one I've ever seen.":grin01:
jennrosefx said:
That's a great freaking shot there, my friend. Hehehehe.

BTW- my pal who was planning on getting a hoggie decided to hold off a bit...after seeing how many corn morphs there are out there. Hehehehe. Oh yesssss. Right now she's torn between butter corns and...hehehehe...Jungles! How do the jungle hatchlings at Amazon look...are they as nice as yours were?
hehehe, the Jungles at Amazon are mine :)
They are at the Covina store.
dwyn127 said:
After handling 280 rodents this guy must have been telling himself, "it sure tastes like a mouse, but it's the weirdest looking one I've ever seen."
And everytime there was any doubt in his mind, he just bit and squeezed harder... just to be sure :grin01:
lefty_mussolini said:
hehehe, the Jungles at Amazon are mine :)
They are at the Covina store.

Reeeally??? How old are they now? Me thinks she and I will have to swing by there after christmas is done. Maybe we can do it on a Wednesday, so we can visit your snakes, and then drag you with us to Amazon!
jennrosefx said:
Reeeally??? How old are they now? Me thinks she and I will have to swing by there after christmas is done. Maybe we can do it on a Wednesday, so we can visit your snakes, and then drag you with us to Amazon!
Aww are you gonna make me dig through my records? :grin01:
They are this years hatchlings, so they are a few months old now. I'd be down for a visit. Sundays work too :)