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Can I introduce a baby corn to a 2yr. old corn?


New member
I have a 4 ft. cornsnake (Rusty) and I was worried if I put a baby, 1 ft. corn snake in with her she would hurt the baby or worse, EAT the baby. Does anyone have any suggestions?
The smaller corn will need its own enclosure. It is usually best to house corns, indeed, most snakes seperately.
Do not even think about co-habitating those corns. Buy the baby a set up of it's own or you will encounter a huge amount of problems. Simple as that. I suggest you run a forum seach on cohabitation.
I was worried if I put a baby, 1 ft. corn snake in with her she would hurt the baby or worse, EAT the baby. Does anyone have any suggestions?

You're right on all counts and it's good to worry about the consequences in advance - it's a great start.

My immediate suggestion is don't do it.

For the longer term, as suggested above, you should research cohabiting. You need to think long and hard before keeping Corns together. Whilst its not impossible, there are many potential risks and most people choose not to take them.

Bare minimums before you even start considering cohabiting are:
- The Corns are the same size
- They're both over 3 years old (to avoid underage breeding, which can be dangerous for the female).
- Only keep male+female or female+female together, as males kept together have a higher risk of fighting for dominance.

OK,..This is such a great place to get advice. I really appreciate the time you all have given and I will not put the two together. I have 2 ball pythons also and they are in the same 40 gal. but I do have two hiding places two basking spots, they are very happy together, so far. I first had a Juvenal girl Ball (Lucy) in there, then I introduced the male (Monte). He's twice her size and I watched the two of them for hours and they didn't once have any trouble. Now it's been 1 month and the two seemed to be made for each other. Both are very docile and love to be held. I sure don't feed the two at the same time, Lucy is a very aggressive eater, where Monte was raised in the shop where I bought him, so I think he's used to thawed food, so he's more layed back. ...anyway, thanks a bunch!