OK,..This is such a great place to get advice. I really appreciate the time you all have given and I will not put the two together. I have 2 ball pythons also and they are in the same 40 gal. but I do have two hiding places two basking spots, they are very happy together, so far. I first had a Juvenal girl Ball (Lucy) in there, then I introduced the male (Monte). He's twice her size and I watched the two of them for hours and they didn't once have any trouble. Now it's been 1 month and the two seemed to be made for each other. Both are very docile and love to be held. I sure don't feed the two at the same time, Lucy is a very aggressive eater, where Monte was raised in the shop where I bought him, so I think he's used to thawed food, so he's more layed back. ...anyway, thanks a bunch!