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Can someone please enlighten me on what morphs we have?


New member
Hello, I am new here.

My husband and I bought these two large corn-snakes from our neighbour. We actually got them both and their large 50 gallon tank for fifty dollars, and just in time. They were actually trying to feed them to their dog just as I offered up some cash for them. They are beautiful, but I wanted to know more on what they were. They are a breeding pair. The female is the darker red, and the male is the lighter orange/yellow.

First two is female, second two is male, and final photo is them both together.


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Sorry but.....they were going to feed them to their DOG??? Really? Wow......I feel an intense dislike right now for people that I luckily (lucky for THEM) don't know.......

I would say that they are both amel. As far as being a breeding pair, they don't have to be. I mean any breeding of any creature should really be something that is thought about first.

You also mentioned "their" tank.
To really give these guys a better life, please consider seperating them. Snakes are solitary animals by nature and forcing them to live together is really not good for them.....
The female looks like an amel, and the sheer amount of yellow makes me wonder if the male is a creamsicle (and he's lovely!).
Sorry but.....they were going to feed them to their DOG??? Really? Wow......

I had a field herping "friend" that I no longer talk to because of this. The guy has a dual degree in biology and psychology, and works for the VA as an evaluator to decide whether a veteran, active duty, or retired service member receives any claim benefits. This in mind, this individual was given, for free, a couple of adult female corn snakes, a cal king, and a ball python as an acquaintance of his could no longer keep/care for them. IIRC, he killed the bp somehow, and got colorfully upset (choice word rhymes with hissed) that one of the corns bit him. The punishment for the corns was them being fed off to the cal king. When I found out, I told the guy that I would have been more than willing to have taken them. He gave me some sort of sarcastic reply along the lines of that's what they get.

Biologically I understand the whole circle of life, kingsnakes eat other snakes, etc. But there was NO need to do what he did. Among other things he's done, coupled with his venomous political views (especially for a medically discharged servicemen himself) I've just distanced myself from him.
Yeah, they actually would 'sic' the dog on them everyday. I couldn't take it anymore because it was horrible watching them let the dog growl and bark at them. They are in a 50 gallon aquarium, but once we got them, we inserted a plexiglass divider so that they are separated. I am planning on revamping their living quarters here soon. They were feeding them only frogs from the yard since January.
PLEASE separate them! There is a thread about why not to have them together in the Basic Care section, I think?

Lovely snakes, though. Nice job saving them, too.

My first dog hunted, and ate, just about anything that moved. Birds, squirrels, rats, mice, lizards...

Ceduke's dog almost caught a canadian goose at a local park and has tried to go after some of her snakes.
Yeah, I guess dogs would...

I guess I can't see my dog doing that. He's not that bright and he's a floppy looking dog. Kinda dorky. (Deer like body, floppy ears, broken tail, can't get any dorkier than that)

Still, the idea that someone would feed it to a dog because of one bite... They can't hurt that much, right?
Well, this pit bull is a bit on the strange side. He has been fed live things for many months. A few weeks ago I saw them feed him a live bunny rabbit right out in the front yard, so feeding him a snake is not a huge leap of any means. He has trained his dog to do whatever he tells it to, and if he says 'eat' he is definitely going to do it.

Their old owner was okay with them being fed to the dog because her boyfriend said that if she let him feed them to his dog, Goober, then she could have a puppy.
Ron White is echoing in my head...something about you can't fix stupid (regarding the dog situation)
Why wouldn't a dog eat a snake? I'd bet that coyotes, foxes, and wolves wouldn't turn down a tasty ratsnake meal if they came across one.

My dog growing up LOVED snakes. It was kind of a bummer because she would hunt all of the snakes in our garden and around the property (about 44 acres), she would play with them, kill them and then eat them.
She decimated the population - even some rare ones (Puget Sound Blue Garter).
Well, this pit bull is a bit on the strange side. He has been fed live things for many months. A few weeks ago I saw them feed him a live bunny rabbit right out in the front yard, so feeding him a snake is not a huge leap of any means. He has trained his dog to do whatever he tells it to, and if he says 'eat' he is definitely going to do it.

Their old owner was okay with them being fed to the dog because her boyfriend said that if she let him feed them to his dog, Goober, then she could have a puppy.

OMG that dog needs to be rescued before it is to late. That is if they haven't screwed up his mind to bad all ready. Seriously if there is animal control or something I would call them ASAP.
Oh they are so pretty!! Thank you for taking them in :) Also good for separating them. Usually in corn snakes the males get larger than the females, just for future reference if you were going to get another setup. Oh and If they have been being fed wild frogs from the yard they may have parasites. Call around and see if you can find a vet that will do a fecal float without having to take the snakes in too.

Our backyard is fenced in and our dogs will kill any small critter that dares enter. I was really mad at them the day I found them tossing around a huge dead garter :(
My dog is a dorky-looking, floppy-eared spotty dog. He'll kill anything he can catch (thankfully he leaves my snakes alone, though he's gotten a garter before). We forget dogs are predators. ;)

Thank you for rescuing these two and giving them a better life!
your neighbour is obviously a sad nut-job! but his loss is your gain, and you have two beautiful snakes