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Can Ulcers that seemed to have healed come back...


I bought Noah the summer of 09' and new he had ulcers that had healed. His ulcers were caused by him soaking in his water bowl while he was in brumation. Well when I got him there were scars and the scars were elevated a little, but I just figured it was because there was scar tissue. Well over a year after I got him the scars decided to swell up. :( He has been soaking in his water bowl. Could the soaking cause them to become infected or come back? It has not effected his appetite at all. These pics were taken while he was eating.





Wow, I'm sorry. I'd be a wreck too! Maybe take it to the vet & see what they say b4 it gets progressively worse! Maybe they can give u an antibiotic to have the inflammation go down?
Whatever it is doesn't look pretty. If they're ulcers, cysts or similar then they need vet attention to make sure they don't get infected and end up as a systemic problem.

While you're waiting for the appointment, I'd give him a small water bowl that he can't fit into (although you've probably already done that).
I'm gonna wait till he digests his mouse then take him to the vet... I'll move him to paper towels and start using neosporin on his scars again also. I hope that helps.