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Cat-eyed snake in Mexico


Hey all, I'm collecting fish down in Mexico (Sierra Madre of Hidalgo) and found this guy under rock. Was pretty :cool: Only about 10 or so inches. Really peaceful but not too keen on hanging around. The neighbor who was with me said they call them something like zochimiagual or xochimiagual. I have no idea of the spelling. A friend thought it could maybe be a Leptodeira annulata? Just thought I'd share :)


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They are rear fanged and mildly venomous, I have heard them being called corale de agua (coral of water). They are found in South Texas, but are fairly rare and thus a protected species here. I wish I could have one though, I have seen them up to about 2 feet long. Really cool snakes.
They are rear fanged and mildly venomous, I have heard them being called corale de agua (coral of water). They are found in South Texas, but are fairly rare and thus a protected species here. I wish I could have one though, I have seen them up to about 2 feet long. Really cool snakes.

Yeah, the neighbor said he'd been bitten on the big toe once and it got pretty bad and turned black before healing up.

The thing is that most people down here want to kill every snake no matter the species. We caught a water snake in one of our fish traps once and they wanted to kill it...it was pretty pissed and nasty mind you, but still.
I managed to keep them from killing that one and this one, but this one was a harder sell since they do actually get into houses and bite people once in a while ;)