Could you nice people give me a little help i have a champagne and really dont know that much about her ? Is she a supper snow or a line bread amel? Ihave been reading up on them but still dont know what i really have ?
AND my second delimia is what to breed to her this year ? my males are listed here thank you for any and all help .a phantom , 2nd a ultramel het blood red ,het anery, 3rd is a caramel het amber het butter , 4 th a snow stripe 5th normal stripe het amel 6th is a motley het amel,het anery and 7th is a charcoal het blood het amel . 8th sun glow and 9th a candy cane. thanks
AND my second delimia is what to breed to her this year ? my males are listed here thank you for any and all help .a phantom , 2nd a ultramel het blood red ,het anery, 3rd is a caramel het amber het butter , 4 th a snow stripe 5th normal stripe het amel 6th is a motley het amel,het anery and 7th is a charcoal het blood het amel . 8th sun glow and 9th a candy cane. thanks