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Champagne Corn?

Lavman breeder

New member
Hello all,

On kingsnake.com there is a breeder out of FL that is selling "Champagne corns" His post states the following:

"In case you wondered... The original champagne came out unexpectedly in the early 90's.
Since then we've selectively bred for color and outcrossed them with wild caught central Florida corns.
Champagnes are pure, 100% corns and not a hybrid."

I haven't seen these anywhere except from him and I'm just wondering if this is a legit morph? To me it looks similar to a snow corn that has been line bred to look more pinkish. Does anyone have any info on this?

That's exactly what champagnes are: line bred snows. Same with the neons, starbursts, bubblegums, etc.
I see. I had called him last year and don't remember the conversation very well. From what I remember, he made it sound like it was a completely different morph. Thanks Shirari!

I just posted a pic of my champagne snow the other day. I got her from Pasco Paul, the breeder you've been talking to. She's a beautiful snake. :)

There are some questions about the various pink forms of snows -- whether they involve the strawberry gene or other forms of hypo, or some other gene, and so on. I don't think anybody has really proven anything one way or another -- but they still look great!

Here's my champagne again:

Oh, P.S. -- I know of at least three breeders who have champagnes now, so they are occasionally available!
Wow! She is a beautiful snake! The one I ordered is not even close to that pink. I like the first 3 inches from the head especially!

Thanks guys, I think so too. Unfortunately, her attitude is not as beautiful as her looks -- but I'm hoping she has a change of outlook with repeated handling and lots of BIIIIIIIIIG meals. Like, maybe a few elephants for lunch...... :eatpointe