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Check out this awesome "normal" corn


River Valley Reptiles
Picked this guy up today. Only $13 at my local zoo (minus my 15% membership discount ;) ). Isn't he cute? I haven't picked a name yet. Any suggestions? Also what size viv would be appropriate? He's a little larger than my other adults.

I let mine roam free or hang out in the pit for a game of pitfall...


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Ours is almost 4 years old and has a serious kink! Check out the minor surgery too...


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I have a pair of hots that I have to keep hidden in my closet as hubby insists on trying to get rid of them.
Mine don't move very fast, I just let them stay in my room. As long as I don't wake up and find them stretched out next to me "measuring" me :grin01:




HA! Heather, you have too kewl a collection of them!

When I was a kid, they were used to keep drafts from coming under doors... :)
I had a couple like these. The dogs "killed" them, though. Chewed out their eyes and "disemboweled" them. No more stuffed snakes of any sort in this house! I just can't take the destruction of something so cute! :)
All your stuffed snakes are SWEET!

We have 2 but I won't post their pics since I am ashamed to admit I have neglected them...the big one has no eyes or tongue left (but he still eats and poops so he is OK)and the other one has a huge tear in his stomach but you see I can't afford a vet and he seems happy enough so I'll just leave him be.

LOL this thread is awesome!
I want one like this to add to my collection but there seems to be a long waiting list as they've been sold out for months!


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