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check this out!


Canadian Breeder of Corns
I know Im going to get alot of flack from this but what the heck. Check out this http://newtchaplin.proboards50.com/index.cgi

Its my new forum board it needs some work but if you are at all interested to check it out then please do so. Im not holding a gun to your head. Sorry Rich, but I need to tell someone about it.
If you can't follow the requests of the board's owner here, why on Earth should I visit your board?!


Sorry again and again and again, it seems like I'm saying that alot here. Tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomany rules, whats up with that. You cant do this or that then what can I do. Cant have more then four lines in you signature, cant defend your self when being attacked. I'm sorry I was excited about the site, I'm sorry I'm a blithering idiot. I know what I know about corn snakes, I know they live in Florida, and Kentucky. I know you cant catch wild corns here in Canada, I know we have Black rat snakes here but no corn snakes, I know corn snakes are red rat snakes. I know all that why don't you give me a break and respect my authorita,Just bugging. I might spell words wrong sometimes I'm not perfect. But what I don't like is when i do put a site up i don't want someone to attack it. Say I don't know anything about snakes, or I cant raise them right. who ever visited my site and wrote that trash I wrote something special just for you. If you didn't get it the first time I wrote it out three times, just for you. His/ or her name is the "Experienced Herper". I'm a member of this site and have been for at least 2 yrs, and planning on being on this site for many more. I don't want trouble but please don't doubt my intelligence.
It has nothing to do with "doubting your intelligence". It does have to do with respecting the owner of THIS site who has asked everyone, including you, not to post threads about unrelated internet sites on THIS forum. What you are doing is the equivalent of walking into someone's business and advertising your own.

Life is full of rules. :)
Ok im done with the site and never opening another one again. You will never hear of it again promise.
:eek1: Such language in only the 3rd or 4th post, in a forum open to all... I think I'll stay here.. :sidestep:
Wow I bet you'll attract a BUNCH of new members like that! :rolleyes:

If you want people to respect you and join your site, wouldn't posting insightful and intelligent replys here and adding a link in your signature be a much better way to go about it?

I certainly don't want to be apart of any forum where the person in charge has respect for no one but himself.

Oh and this chould be your new mascot.....
Wow, you completely confirmed that I will NEVER go to a site that you run.

A. If you have to tell me how much you know, you more than likely don't know anything that I don't already know.
B. You forgot the following rules:
You can't drive faster than the posted speed limit.
You can't kill anyone.
You can't shoplift.
There's more, but I don't have the time nor the space to write them all down . . . and CAV already said it, but life's full of rules. When you break a rule there's a consequence. You knowlingly broke Rich's rule, the consequence was we called you out on it. If you can't deal with the consequence, don't break the rule. Pretty simple really. That's something I tell my 8th graders every day . . . and you're (allegedly) what 27?

Have a nice day. :)
give the guy a break. its not like hes trying to take all the members from this site away and make it close down is it. it is possible to be a member of 2 sites at the same time ya know. hes just chuffed with himself as he has made his own site and just wants to build a community like this 1.

ive noticed that all the members off this site are very "die hard" members and its very unlikely that they will leave here to go to any other forum anyway.

id probably react the same way as him if i had been belittled and picked on just for starting my own site. whats the difference between 1 post linking to his site and having his site as a signiture at the bottom of every single 1 of his posts.

its really petty what every1 is doing so lets just finish it here and move on with our really important lives.
nuttybulldog said:
id probably react the same way as him if i had been belittled and picked on just for starting my own site.
He is not being picked on because he opened his own site,
he is being picked on because he broke a rule on this forum.

nuttybulldog said:
whats the difference between 1 post linking to his site and having his site as a signiture at the bottom of every single 1 of his posts.
The difference is that having a link to your site in your signature is NOT against the rules, while threads started just to post a link ARE against the rules.

I would not have had any problem with this thread if there wasn't very clearly a rule against it, or if he hadn't known about the rule first. I probably would have joined his forum in fact, but look -
newt said:
I know Im going to get alot of flack from this but what the heck. Check out this
newt said:
Sorry Rich, but I need to tell someone about it.
Fair enough i understand there is a rule against it and that he shouldnt have done it but surely that rule should be aimed more towards bigger forums or buisness' that are taking members away and not the people who set up a private web site just for people to talk and get help for there reps.

He is after all helping out with rep advice and surely that is more important so that people learn how to look after them.

And lastly, u saying "He is not being picked on because he opened his own site,
he is being picked on because he broke a rule on this forum." still doesnt justify picking on some1.

Every1 on here has given me great advice and been really nice and friendly to me so i was shocked to see the same people ganging up on some1 like the way they have and being, in some cases, quite nasty. There really is no need for it.

And whoever went on HIS site and posted that thread belittleing him is bang out of order. They wouldnt like it if he came on here and used that kind of language towards them so what gives them the right to go on his own forum and speak to him like that.
nuttybulldog said:
whats the difference between 1 post linking to his site and having his site as a signiture at the bottom of every single 1 of his posts.

The difference is that this site's administrator prohibits one of those methods-- the method chosen by the original poster. If he had simply put it in his sig line, no one would have cared.
What it all boils down to is that this person KNEW about my rule concerning such posts, and did it anyway. Basically saying, "tough, what I want is more important to me then what YOU want, so I'm going to do it."

I am sorry that some people don't like rules or guidelines, and even sorrier that such people think that those rules and guidelines don't apply to them.

Rules without teeth are useless. The "teeth" in this one is that newt has earned a 30 day suspension from this site.

nuttybulldog said:
Fair enough i understand there is a rule against it and that he shouldnt have done it but surely that rule should be aimed more towards bigger forums or buisness' that are taking members away and not the people who set up a private web site just for people to talk and get help for there reps.

He is after all helping out with rep advice and surely that is more important so that people learn how to look after them.

Regardless of your opinion in this matter, one of the methods I use to try to pay for the servers and everything else associated with these sites I run is via paid services (banner ads, memberships, personal forums). If someone REALLY wants to promote their new website, then they can pay for a banner ad in order to do so. Or they can go to other outside services that charge pay per click advertising or the like. Like I have to do for my advertising.

Quite frankly, what exactly is the goal of someone posting something like "come to my site to read what I post there" rather than them just posting it here? Quite simply, they are trying to draw off traffic from HERE to their own website. True, people can and will go to many sites on the web, but they can only be at any given one at one time. Everyone is certainly free to pick and choose which websites they will spend their time at, but I certainly don't see where I am obligated to assist anyone in their attempts to freely draw away traffic from my own site to theirs.

And as always, everyone is free to disagree with my opinion. But until I change my opinion, and thereby the rules, that is what you have to live by while you are HERE.
Hi nuttybulldog. I see your point and it's kind of you to defend the guy. However (there had to be a 'however' :)) I'm not a "die-hard member" of any of the forums I participate in. My comment was based on the lengthy retort by newt/Andrew (which I believe was only the 3rd post on the forum, and was posted 3 times) littered with foul language and truly disgusting insults... They have now all been deleted so I cannot quote from them, but in any case, it is hardly going to encourage me to join his forum.
Tracee said:
Hi nuttybulldog. I see your point and it's kind of you to defend the guy. However (there had to be a 'however' :)) I'm not a "die-hard member" of any of the forums I participate in. My comment was based on the lengthy retort by newt/Andrew (which I believe was only the 3rd post on the forum, and was posted 3 times) littered with foul language and truly disgusting insults... They have now all been deleted so I cannot quote from them, but in any case, it is hardly going to encourage me to join his forum.
Wait, you mean on his forum he has RULES too? :rolleyes:
All of this is petty. The best thing to do with a guy like this when he posts and you know the rules is ignore him and report him.
Tattle tale or not, we are all privelaged to be here, at what I am sure is at Rich's expense, in so much as hours upon hours of dedication to maintaining his site and affording bandwidth.
Kudo's to Rich for a great service to the community
(yes, I know I am brown-nosing)
Seriously though, this is a great site. And for that, I for one will be following the rules.
-Dave \m/
I would think that Rich has better things to do than deal with individuals that can't follow the already posted rules. I am embarassed that Rich felt he needed to respond in this thread . . .

If newt had been ignored and not responded to by any of us, he would have 'gotten away with' breaking the rules, and then posted again or someone else would have then felt it was okay to break the rules.

As a contributor here I felt obligated (as do many I believe) to point out newts transgression. I think the most important thing to note is that newt posted knowingly and willingly that he was breaking the rules. That's a slap in the face! I personally don't know how anyone can defend his actions . . .


amelanistic frank said:
All of this is petty. The best thing to do with a guy like this when he posts and you know the rules is ignore him and report him.
Tattle tale or not, we are all privelaged to be here, at what I am sure is at Rich's expense, in so much as hours upon hours of dedication to maintaining his site and affording bandwidth.
Kudo's to Rich for a great service to the community
(yes, I know I am brown-nosing)
Seriously though, this is a great site. And for that, I for one will be following the rules.
-Dave \m/