Her pinstripe is indeed cute.
She's p.h. for genetic stripe (some of her siblings displayed the trait) and also het for caramel.
She's BOSS. Her little dots on her back are connected randomly at some spots. So cute.
I love her. Will upload more pics soon.
As for taking care of her....well thanks. But I honestly feel like more than help, I did bad by allowing the infection to get to the point it did in the first place. I feel like a bad owner.
I'm not trying to whine or make drama. I just feel like that. My snakes are my babies. I made one of my babies get sick.
I have been changing her newspaper and disinfecting her tank every other day though. I learned a lot about cleaning and how often it should be done.
We also got her a perfect hide, it has a waterbowl on top and a space carved underneath for her to hide. It's a ceramic dish, I believe.
She loves it.
And she doesn't pee under it either--she uses her other hide we put in their for that. (Empty butter tub, carved a door into it for her).
So yeah. I think everything might get better from here on out.
Thanks for the comments you guys. Loved them.