At the risk of doing something taboo, I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions of places other than here on to sell or post classified ads for snakes. I know about Fauna Classifieds, Kingsnake, and obviously craigslist. Thanks
As an aside:
I understand restricting classifieds here on CS to only contributors to an extent, but at the same time, isn't there a way to allow reputable members to post a classified every now and again? :shrugs: Maybe by holding the post for revision and approval by a mod and only allowing 1 classified every year or whatever? For example, I'm moving to another country and have 2 snakes (one cornsnake and one other species) that I would like to find good homes for, but I have no access to the decent, snake loving/knowing people here because I can't post in the classifieds. I'm not trying to get rich, nor hoping to flood the cornsnake market with 'bad' snakes, nor do disreputable business. It's not even about the money. I certainly don't trust the average Joe on craigslist. It looks as though I can post on Fauna, but I don't "know" those folks nor that community as well, and since I'm not a breeder looking to make big money, I'd just as well prefer that I make a few cents but get good homes for my two snakes than make a mint and send them to just anyone. Sigh...I guess I will have to try to give them away to friends....
As an aside:
I understand restricting classifieds here on CS to only contributors to an extent, but at the same time, isn't there a way to allow reputable members to post a classified every now and again? :shrugs: Maybe by holding the post for revision and approval by a mod and only allowing 1 classified every year or whatever? For example, I'm moving to another country and have 2 snakes (one cornsnake and one other species) that I would like to find good homes for, but I have no access to the decent, snake loving/knowing people here because I can't post in the classifieds. I'm not trying to get rich, nor hoping to flood the cornsnake market with 'bad' snakes, nor do disreputable business. It's not even about the money. I certainly don't trust the average Joe on craigslist. It looks as though I can post on Fauna, but I don't "know" those folks nor that community as well, and since I'm not a breeder looking to make big money, I'd just as well prefer that I make a few cents but get good homes for my two snakes than make a mint and send them to just anyone. Sigh...I guess I will have to try to give them away to friends....