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Cleo's mystery bumps


It never gets old!
I have been posting this on her progression and I hate to double post things, but I feel that without posting it here a lot of people aren't seeing it.

Last month I discovered some bumps on Cleo's body and took her to the vet. Here is a link to that post:


Here's the post about her fecal and blood test results:


I had a follow up visit today. The bumps haven't changed since I've discovered them. Here's the update post.


As soon as I can, I'm going to try to get someone to hold her up so I can take and post some pictures of the bumps. It's not always easy to find a snake holder. :nope:

If you have ever seen anything like this, I'd appreciate your input. All tests so far return normal results. In all other ways she appears to be normal, but obviously there is fluid that is where it should not be.

How much it will affect her or whether it will get better or worse is the great unknown. I know my vet would love to solve this mystery. Now that he has a few decent pics of the bumps and has ruled out a lot of things for the time being, he may find an answer for us.

For now I'm going to continue to love her as usual and go on with life as normally as possible.
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Gail, I'm so sorry and sending a lot of prayers your way right now. She's such a wonderful snake. Please keep me updated on how you two are doing.
Thanks DLena. Prayers greatly appreciated. I don't think she knows she's sick, so that's good. I will update here and on her progression. On her progression because this is her life and here so folks who are interested in health issues will see it.

I let her rest after her vet visit and all day today so there's mouse on the menu tonight!
Thanks for asking DLena.

She ate fine yesterday. I saw her out and about moving from one hide to another this evening and behaving normally. Nothing to report for the time being. It's just watch and wait for now. My brain goes everywhere with this "bumps of fluid where it should not be" from it will resolve itself to she may not have a normal lifespan. It's the great unknown. So as in all things it is one day at a time, give her the best care I can, and give her all the love she deserves.

If and when there is anything new to report I will update. Thanks again.
What's the latest on Cleo? I hope everything turned out okay. When my Vet couldn't find the cause of a problem with one of my Corns she was able to call the reptile specialist on staff at Michigan State University. Perhaps your state veterinary college can help?
No answer for now. She is doing well. I know my vet was consulting with other vets and would like to solve this so I'm not contacting U of I at this point but I will keep that in mind. Many thanks for your kind and supportive thoughts.