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clump or loose


lost cause
I was just wondering about why some females lay their eggs in a tight clump, and others get loose eggs (or even in a string).
Personally for me loose eggs would be easier. My female laid a big clump of eggs, almost all stuck together, and I think there are some of the eggs completely surrounded by others.
I'm just hoping they try to hatch after the outside eggs, so I can cut away (carefully!) parts of the empty eggs and give the inside ones a bit of room to hatch.
The only way I can think of to get loose eggs when the female is prone to lay them in a clump, is to remove each egg as soon as it is laid. But this seems a real bad idea to me, as I would have to disturb her a lot during laying. Too much stress there.
Is there something that I can do without in any way harming or stressing my female or the eggs?

I don't really think so, just thought I would ask.
Clumping is nature's way of protecting the eggs from rolling and from being swallowed by predators. I just leave the eggs as laid, and figure that clumped eggs are nearly always fertile!
Well that's a good thing of course :)
Have you ever had a clump where some of the eggs are completely surrounded by others?
Just wondering if they're going to have any trouble hatching...
Mine has clumped this year and although i have one in the middle of the clump there is still a part showing, i believe, if an egg is totally covered by other eggs (no skin showing)then it would not be able to breathe and thus suffacate......
Exchange can still go on egg through egg. I don't know wether it would be enough or they really need more free surface. But as eggs aren't squares (lol), there is bound to be at least some free surface I guess...