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New member
I was reading the news on the net today when I came across an article about a man..who was recovering (stil in critical condition) from a bite from his "pet" Egyptian cobra.. It seems after he was bitten (he received 2 bites) and I quote the article "walked several block to a bar to get help after the snake bit him twice in the left hand and index finger" this is where its get very interesting "then ordered a beer". I realize this is not really a corn subject..but its more evidence to me why corns are the perfect snake.. it anyone woul like to read the entire article the address is http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/3059464.html

I apologize if anyone knows this poor fella but its seemed rather interesting..if I were this gentlemen I would be in court first day I could so I could legally change my name to LUCKY (all capitals).

AND THAT IS PERCISELY WHY I THINK PPL WHO OWN VENOMUS SNAKES ARE IDIOTS! WHat would have happend had that cobra got out and a couple of kids found it!??? UGGGGGGGGG sorry I am a mom of a 5yr old daughter and I remember when I was a kid I would find green snakes all the time and play with them for a lil while and let them go. Anyways, he probably got over confadent thinking it was his baby.......let me tell ya my baby daughter bit me many times!!!! I certantly would not give a venomus reptile a chance to do so. It is a pity though they had to destroy it. No I wouldnt want one, but it doesnt mean I dont think it should live :(
Do not generalize all hot keepers because of the actions of one person. Yes this person was an idiot BUT there are a lot of hot keepers that are keeping these animals for in educational programs, breeding purposes, or strictly for the amazing behaviors they display.
Hots are not to be freehandled. Anyone who does is asking to get bitten. One mistake could be fatal.
With the proper training, equipment, and a dedicated hot room, these snakes are relatively safe to house. Never let your guard down, take neccessary precautions, and have secure caging are mandatory requirments.
That being said, I am expecting delivery of a Naja siamensis on the 20th of this month to use in educational seminars. I have the experience, equipment, and a secure cage and room for this snake. There is nothing wrong with owning hots as long as you do not do stupid things.
Do not generalize all hot keepers because of the actions of one person. Yes this person was an idiot BUT there are a lot of hot keepers that are keeping these animals for in educational programs, breeding purposes, or strictly for the amazing behaviors they display.

You are right. I am sorry. My mommy instincts kicked into overdrive!

With the proper training, equipment, and a dedicated hot room, these snakes are relatively safe to house. Never let your guard down, take neccessary precautions, and have secure caging are mandatory requirments.

One question though. Who is monotering that all these precautions are being done. We are talking about animals that are as leathel as an eletrifide fence but with a mind of their own. I am not saying that they purposly go looking to hurt people more importantly children, but It will defend itself weather it is a Attacking Germanshepered or just a curious 3 year old toddler.
I cannot vouch for every state as far as monitoring goes but I can give you an idea of what you need to go thru in my state.

1. You need to have a permit to keep venomous species. In order to get one, you have to have training under a licensed hot keeper and have them endorse your application.

2. You need massive liability insurance.

3. The room has to be clearly labeled and locked. There has to be a door to get to a hallway with another door that enters the hot room. This means if a snake gets loose in the room, there is a safety valve of sorts so the snake cannot enter the rest of the building. And you have a safeway entrance into the room housing the snakes. All vents and windors need to be sealed.

4. All cages have to be clearly marked with the scientific name, common name, venom type (ie: hemotoxin/neurotoxin), and list the appropriate anti-venom to administer.

In addition, you should expect surprise visits to check the setup. This is especially true when an unlicensed keeper makes a stupid mistake with an illegal hot that they decided to keep as a pet. We had someone get bitten by a cobra in my state recently. He was unlicensed and had the snake illegally. Tried to show off to some friends and got tagged. All legal hot keepers then recieved a letter from the state saying they would be paid a visit to check on what we house as well as the security of it.

Basically, unless you do educational seminars or scientific work, you cannot legally own a hot. Legal hot keepers know what anti-venom to use in the event of a bite, have access to it thru one of the anti-venom banks thruought the country, and do everything possible to aviod endangering anyone else.

The people that want them as novelty pets without realizing how extremely dangerous they can be are usually the ones that end up in the headlines. These are the ones that give the hot keepers a bad reputation.
Oh, for awhile I thought that I was in for another heated debate. I am sure that could still happen.

There are some people out there that would say that we are all stupid for even keeping Corn snakes because it is not their choice for a pet/hobby. I have friends that wont visit anymore because snakes give them the heeby geevies.

If it were not for alot of these people keeping venomous snakes alot of people would die every year. It is with the help of these people that we can get as much and as wide a range of anti-venom as is sometimes needed. There is a facility in Florida that ships anti-venom all over the world. Thats possible because someone decided to keep hot snakes.
I think this guy just got a little careless with his snake a paid for it.
I saw something on the news about a year ago that a snake keeper at a Zoo( dont remember which one) was found unconsious in the Reticulated Python cage. He had worked with the animal for maybe 15 years. He just got careless while feeding. And he is a "Pro". He was found in time luckily.
Anyway, I say to each his own, it keeps the world interesting. We just need to be a little more carefull.

Jimmy C. IMHO
for awhile I thought that I was in for another heated debate

Nah, this seems like it will be a pretty calm thread.

Now, if it was about venemoids.......look out. I have seem some really nasty threads on that subject. Mention that word on the Kingsnake forum and prepare for the assault.

IMO, hots are not for everyone. Do not keep a hot just to show off. There really should be a legitimate reason for it. I also don't think that hots should be housed ANYWHERE that children could get at them. Kids can get into locked rooms and cages.

The best thing to do when an person asks about keeping hots is to show them what the result of a bite looks like and how much treatment costs are for a bite. Most decide not to keep hots after that. I had a $3K bill one time and it was a dry bite. Just imagine what it would have cost for an envenomation. Typical costs could run into the tens of thousands of dollars. Thankfully that was the one and only time I have been bitten and that was going back about 10 years ago.

Hots are fascinating but if you want a snake that you can hold, get something else.
You need to have a permit to keep venomous species. In order to get one, you have to have training under a licensed hot keeper and have them endorse your application

I wasnt aware that permits were or are required. But still there are the illeagle hot keepers. This is what bothers me. Read this article please It is not that long


I am interested in Venomoids, because there are SOO many venomous reptiles that are SOO beautiful! Gaboon Viper (sp) actually many of the viper species.

So dont get me wrong I am not against HOT owners or HOTs but there are too many people out there who should not have them. LOL Look at the drivers licends. Just about everyone who has one has past such tests required to drive safely....It does not mean they will. Look at the number of auto accdents each year.

I actually plan on opening an exotic animal store and the only animal that is venomous I would want to have would be the Gila Monster. LoL I love those words hehe. The only poisonus animals I would want to carry are Dart Frogs. But since I would only buy CB that wont be a problem, because only WC dart Frogs are poisiones (so I have been told)

I truely appreaciate those who risk their life trying to get the venom needed to save someone elses. I have actually considered it, because the lives saved would outnumber the risk I would be taking. But I do Have a 5yr old and would never do that untill she was grown and out of the house. Also I would want to be VERY experienced in herps of all types. So it might not ever happen.

Well I have rambled on enough.:p