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Constant Hiding


New member
Hi, I have had my Blizzard for 9 days now, I fed him once already, have taken him out to play about 5 or 6 times and he's great during those times, now when I take him out he crawls around on my hands fine and everything, he's relaxed for the most part... But whenever he's inside the cage he stays hidden ALL the time, maybe he comes out after lights go off in my room, or while I'm at work, but since I have gotten him I have never seen him just crawling around the viv just hanging out. Should I be worried, what should I do? He's usually found hiding under this aquarium decoration I bought for him on the warm side even though theres a regular hide on te warm and cool side. I would be more worried if he was bad when I took him out or when I feed him but he's absolutely fine during those times... it's only when he's in his viv that he goes under the rock thing and stays there (to the best of my knowledge) until I take him out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
Dont Fret

Honestly, I wouldnt worry.

Snakes hide when given the opportunity - its normal, nature.

As long as he is feeding regularly and active when you take him out and maintains his curiosity, he will be fine. He will become accustomed to his surroundings and you will see him getting more and more curious - usually hunting for escape routes from his viv as he gets bigger (keep that top locked).

Anyway... I wouldnt worry.
sounds like he's doing exactly what he's supposed to do.

I can walk in my room in the middle of the day and you'd swear all the vivs were empty, go back in around 8:30 and everybodys out.
dwyn127 said:
I can walk in my room in the middle of the day and you'd swear all the vivs were empty, go back in around 8:30 and everybodys out.


Except for my Arizonas - they are always out being curious... I have some bromeliads they like to dig into and uproot and coil around...

Very interesting and nice display snake... great personalities
JarrodRandel said:


Except for my Arizonas - they are always out being curious... I have some bromeliads they like to dig into and uproot and coil around...

Very interesting and nice display snake... great personalities
Would that be Arizona Mtn King? I've been eyeballing a pyro woodini and a local show. If that's what you're talking about, you're right, they'd be great in a display tank.
My two corns hide all the time too. I see them for a short time if I manage to catch them out when I go into the room and they are out, and when I turn the light on, they go hide.
Indeed, I would not worry about it.
It takes them a while to get used to their environment, the movements in the flat/house. I have one which I got on July 29th and I do not see him go out, just poke his head out of his hides. The one I got on December last year, she comes out to have a slither around and when she sees me just freezes unless she wants food.

Just give it time and a lot of hides to make him feel safe and secure.
Try switching the light on in another room so that the light is not directly on the viv and have a peek time to time when you pass, you should see him then.
Good luck ;)
I have had my hatchling for about 2 or 3 weeks now, and to be honest, I thought she never came out. Then on Thursday I had the opportunity to stay late at work and around 6:30 or 7:00, she was out and crawling around. So I am sure yours does the same thing. Less percieved threat at night for a little snake I guess.
The behavior you are seeing is perfectly normal. Corns are nocturnal, so they will be out more at night anyway. Also since yours is new, he is just not used to his environment. Give him time, I had one that I didn't see out and about for nearly the whole first year I had him. If I wanted to see him, I had to go in and get him. Some are just more shy that way.
reptile behaviour

I just got my Amel Solstice and she hides most of the time too but I am not worried my Leopard gecko was the same way now she actually comes out if I am changing her water or spot cleaning just to see what I m doing. When my daughter is over she comes out to say hello when she arrives and will actually watchover her until she falls asleep. Reps in general I think have more personality than the stictly mammal pet owners give credit for.
Most of the time my tanks appear to be empty, aside from the obvious decor...but if you were to peek into a hide or move a branch of a plant, there they'd be. :) One snake (1 y.o.) is still adjusting, so generally he's always hiding, but he'll just stick his little nose out of the aspen & all I'll see is a little grey snout. :) The other snake (4 mos old) will begin his nightly ritual to climb the walls about 11 pm & he seems to be out during the early morning hours (noctural behavior at its best!), unless I'm cooking. :p Sounds crazy -- but that little guy will play peek-a-boo with me if I'm busy in the kitchen (yes, for now he's on a great counter space in the kitchen -- it works out really well...).

I do agree, as well, about reptile personalities...I swear that the Komodo dragon that I saw recently was knowingly posing for the cameras, he was a complete ham to the attention! My leopard geckos will be funny, too...one (2 y.o) is a little more shy, but aggressive when hunting & the other (4 y.o.) is really laidback to hunting but seems to love attention. They're all fascinating...:)