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Corn massage


New member
The funniest thing happened to me the other night. I had Ruby out and was holding her. She decited to crawl across my shoulders and cuddle up around the back of my neck. So I let her stay there and continued watching T.V... She started flexing her muscles after a short while and actually gave me a great neck massage! LOL.. It felt so funny. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Let me know.
I have felt my snakes flex their muscles on my hands and arms, but not on my neck. Im sure it was soothing thought :p

I was just wandering, is it ok when snakes do this (flex their muscles)??? why do they do it???

Well, It was pretty soothing. Rather nice. I think that it is completely normal for them to do that. Both of my snakes have done that since they were knee high to a grasshopper. hehe. It just seems pretty normal to me. But yeah, the neck massage was out of this world.