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Corn snake license for shipping


New member
I am living in Nebraska, and I intend to sell my snake. How much does it generally cost to ship a corn snake? Thanks!
It usually costs around 50-60 $$'s. If you intend to ship, legally the only way to is to ship through fed-ex, and become certified. Most people just ship fed-ex without certification. There is also a new program called Ship your reptiles (syr). They use UPS, and they have a special certification with them that is very hard to get. It has only been around for a few months though, and some people have reported problems with it.
You may want to see if Fed-Ex or UPS will provide certification for under-18s before making further plans. You may find that they treat these as legal documents and will only provide the service if you're over 18.
Most people just ship fed-ex without certification.

Not anyone I know...I have gotten a couple snakes via UPS, but since they have secret arrangements with people, who knows if they were certified or not. All snakes I have gotten via Fed Ex have been from people who were certified to ship reptiles. Since they can open any package at any time for no reason other than they want to, its a huge risk to sneak and do it.