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Corn snake naturalistic vivarium?


New member
Hi everyone,

I am considering giving my extreme okeetee a naturalistic vivarium because he's a jerk despite my best efforts to tame him. I was curious if anyone has successfully been able to recreate a corn's natural environment, I've seen such enclosures at zoos but never in private collections. He's in an 18wx24lx18h exo-terra for reference. Thank you!

I guess the question is, what is the corn's natural environment? Just in my last 8 years of field observations here in southwest Florida I have seen corns in completely different locations with different environments. I have seen brightly colored corns in an area with open spaces dotted with native palms, and little or no water. I have seen more muted specimens in an area near me with palms, pines, vines, and oaks with sporadic seasonal water. You can hardly walk through these areas. I have seen very darkly colored specimens in areas dominated by Brazilian Pepper trees, where the sun can barely shine to the ground. I have also seen them in a marshy area where I wouldn't expect them. Recreating any of these areas in a small enclosure would be most difficult. Having said that, if you have something in mind, go for it.