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corn snake needed ASAP:crying:


Romulan with corn snakes
I need a corn snake that is freindly, bigger than one foot and I need it as cheap as possible asap I dont care what color or gender...
needed asap!:crying: please!!!!
Do you have a set up ready? Do you have realistic plans for how you would pay for vet care if the snake needed a specialist vet? Can you afford to keep, rehouse and feed a snake for 15 years?
These questions may sound rude to you, but snakes aren't necessarily a cheap pet to keep and even when I've given hatchlings away to friends I've checked they know what commitment they are making.
And telling us WHY you need one ASAP would help too. I am sure, if you know how to care for one & have a proper setup, someone will come thru for you!
In addition to what diamondlil asked, are your parents okay with you bringing home a snake on what could be very short notice?

(I took a quick peek at the user's profile; s/he is twelve.)
I am crying because my mom acidentaly let it loose and it died it was too small thats why I per fer a bigger one, I have full permission, I an willing to take care of it for its whole life and I know how to take care of it.
TA DA!!!! :))
I am crying because my mom acidentaly let it loose and it died it was too small thats why I per fer a bigger one, I have full permission, I an willing to take care of it for its whole life and I know how to take care of it.
TA DA!!!! :dancer:
Up for a 2 1/2 hour drive? Holli at Charm City Reptile Rescue in Baltimore has older corn snakes, and not only would you be doing a good thing by giving a rescue snake a home, but the adoption fee is pretty low. There's also a reptile show pretty much monthly in Havre de Grace, MD, which is slightly closer to you (google Maryland Reptile Farms), and another show, a bit less frequent, I believe, in Hamburg, PA. I've never been to that one, but it's less than an hour from you.
Sorry for your loss. :C

Make sure to escape proof whatever container it's going into, especially if you plan on using whatever housed your other snake.
I have an available adult normal male. Just how cheap is "cheap" as shipping alone is going to run you around $50.
In that case...sorry for your loss, and good luck. There are some really great deals out there right now, judging by the For Sale section here.
If you're still looking try craigslist or another similar website. I'm not far from you and found a beautiful sub-adult sunglow for free there.