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Corn Snake Science Fair Project


New member
For science fair this year I'm thinking of doing something really cool with my snake(s). I have a 2 year old corn, Steven, and I'm actually getting a baby corn this week (so excited ;D) and my project is going to involve growth rates of a baby snake vs an ...older snake xD something like that

There is one thing I'm confused about, though. Would I have to feed both snakes the same type of food and the same amount to keep the experiment controlled? That obviously cannot work because a baby and a young adult snake eat much different proportions. Any thoughts? Could I just feed them their normal proportions instead?
I'm also going to do a demonstration at the science fair showing how the baby and Steven are so different and size and maybe even feed them while I'm there (cuz science fair is on saturday and that's when I feed steven)
For the health and safety of each snake you need to feed them their normal proportions.

We actually picked up a caramel corn snake off craigslist a year ago that is the same age as a caramel corn we have in our collection. Both were about 2 years old. The first weighed 30 grams and the second weighed 260 grams. If I didn't know the smaller ones history I would of thought it to be 3 -6 months old and perfectly healthy. We use them in our show and tell expo's to explain what can happened with improper care.
I think it is fantastic that you want to do something for the science fair with your snakes. You can demonstrate how with proper care a hatchling can grow to an adult.
Keep up your support for the Herpetology world.