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Corn Snakes and Pregnancy


New member
Well, color me shocked. I just found out today that I'm pregnant.

I remember reading that snakes and pregnancy aren't a good combination, but I am looking for some non-biased, non fear-mongering information.

I've read conflicting information. Some sites say that as long as I wash hands before and after (already do) and use gloves to handle the poops, that I'm fine.

Other sites tell me that me and everyone I've ever known will die if I think about touching a snake while pregnant.

What is the truth?!
Don't lick the snake. Don't lick your hands after holding the snake or cleaning its tank. Don't lick the snake's poop. Then you should be good. :p


Oh. And don't lick the mice, or your hands after handling the mice.
First, congratulations!

Shiari's answer had me :rofl: laughing so hard.

Just be really good about washing your hands. Do a thorough job with plain old soap and water. It's great for your health in general.
Congrats! I had that same problem when I found out I. I heard a lot of negative comments from so many people. I made sure I washed my hands well after handling or husbandry as well as extra disinfecting after feedings and cleanings. I switched to live during pregnancy just because I couldn't stand the smell of the thawed mice/rats and it was easier. At the time we had over 30 reptiles and some amphibians. My baby was born perfectly healthy. The only problem is now that she's older, she's totally into reptiles and asks me to buy more!