Plissken said:
Indeed Chris, but I've heard of IBD suddenly presenting itself after periods of 18 months or more of apparant good health. Should we all be quarntining our boids for two years? :shrugs: I agree we should quarantine, of course, but I think it's hard to rule out IBD.
I really don't know. It's a question each person needs to consider on their own.
Luckily for me, I only have 1 BP and 1 Boa...They are housed in display cages in 2 seperate rooms of my house, specifically because of my fear(coupled with a lack of working knowledge) of IBD.
I have tried reading up on it, but still don't completely understand what it is and what it entails. All I know is that boa species can be non-effected carriers, python species are
usually killed fairly quickly after contracting it, and(as far as I know) colubrids are not infected by it. Other than that, I really have no idea, even though I have read many links about it, various boa and python manuals and handbooks, and even the Merck Veterinary Manual for Reptiles...they all assume a basic knowledge of the disease, and without that, useful information is hard to obtain.
Granted, I don't believe I have read the link
you provided, yet...but I will...
[edit]I just read the anapsid link you posted, and while it provides a large amount of still assumes at least a basic knowledge of boid biology, viral biology, and a basic knowledge of the virus itself. Or perhaps I am simply looking for information that doesn't yet exist...I know it is a "relatively" new discovery, and perhaps more information will be forthcoming...