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corn with green pigment maybe?


Corn addict
is it posible and probable to incorporate green pigment into a corn by possibly breeding it with a different snake? Like maybe breeding a snow with a grass snake or similar snake that has green pigment? And if that somes out successful maybe breed the hatchlings with another snow or a blizzard to make the green more noticable? just a question of can it be done and if it can then what could be the end result? :shrugs:
I can't possibly see how breeding with a grass snake could even work. Maybe with something like a green rat snake?
I'm no genetesist, but I'm quite sure a grass snake is too far removed from a corn to give successful results. Also, the end result would not be a cornsnake, so if you want a 'green snake' you're better off getting something that's actually green to begin with.

There are some snows with a good amount of green to them and there is a line of amelanistics that have greenish borders to their saddles....that might be a start for you.

**ALSO** Think about it in terms of horse x donkey = mule -the offspring is sterile.
Well there are some pink and green snows that have quite a bit of green look in them.
Do you mean coahwhips?

Do you mean coachwhips? Those suckers are MEAN! There is the pet shop we go to quite regularly down here, and they have 2 coachwhips, you can't even put your face near the glass to look in without them stricking at the glass. Once they struck so many times there noses were bleeding!!
well i was just askin considering i know nothing about gentics or the rules of breeding snakes and where could i find these snows with green pigment i haven't heard of that being done but thats not really sayin much
Sorry , I posted before I check the link. But it was this "pet store" selling a line color corn snake.
Stephen, one of the poster's on this forum had some very nice pink and green snows. He also has some of the most awesome hi-pink corns around. Bubblegums with neon pink saddles.
True. I have one of Stephen's "high pink" males and it is really amazing. Very bright neon pink and getting brighter with each shed.

On the 'green snake' side - are the rhino rat snakes genetically close enough (I have no clue)? Kathy Love had a pair on her web site for a while and they were a beautiful rich green color. (IF I'm remembering the snakes correctly.)
xKGLVRx said:
Do you mean coachwhips? Those suckers are MEAN! There is the pet shop we go to quite regularly down here, and they have 2 coachwhips, you can't even put your face near the glass to look in without them stricking at the glass. Once they struck so many times there noses were bleeding!!

I've always been curious about those. They're considered to be the "beginner venomous snake" because of their temper. They aren't venomous, but the idea is that if you can keep coachwhips and handle them without getting tagged, you're ready for an actual venomous snake.
I've actually found that coach snakes and that family are completely nasty all the time. I've found that the majority of my friend's rattlesnakes to be pretty mellow and only a few (the Diamondbacks) are consistently nasty. I would rather handle a majority of his collection, then one red racer any day.