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Corns for Sale

vic dc

New member
I have a real good variety of animals - hatchlings, yearlings & adults. I
need the room & time! Prices are each, does not include shipping unless specified.
Pics are available to serious inquiries.

1.0 caramel motley(het amel) SOLD
0.1 amel motley(het caramel) $25
0.0.2 amber $50
0.0.5 oketees(nice!, poss het amel) $25
0.0.4 normals(one really stands out) $15
0.0.3 amels $15
0.0.4 pueblan x honduran crosses $50

hatchlings yet to feed(I only feed frozen thawed - not tried live or
brained/scented) - Make an offer on this group!
0.0.2 oketees
1.0 hypo
1.1 ambers
2.0 motleys
0.0.3 grey bandeds (het stripe)

1.0 hypo het lavender $50

1.0 stripe het amel/poss het caramel(striped butter)
0.1 butter poss het stripe sold as pair only $200 shipped

Subadults(will breed next year! - could've this year..)
0.1 Amel(from amber het amel x amel het hypo, anery) - het caramel, hypo
poss het anery $120
0.1 Normal(from amber het amel x amel het hypo, anery) - het amel, caramel,
hypo poss het anery $85

1.0 Snow proven 0.1 Snow proven $200 shipped
1.0 Normal proven $50
0.1 Normal with abberrant pattern plus no belly pattern - proven
1.0 Normal(son of above & sold with above female) $225 shipped
0.1 Caramel het amel $175
0.1 Butter poss het motley $200
1.0 Nomal proven(caramel/hypo looking - def het stripe, amel, caramel) inquire for pricing
1.2 Grey Banded Kings(1 female genetic 65% stripe, 1 female het stripe &
almost blind) - consistently proven group $275 shipped

Special project animals Striped butter father x Normal mother (het stripe
amel, caramel) just hatched babies available:

1.0 striped butter
2.1 striped normals(het butter)
1.2 caramels het stripe, amel
1.1 amel het stripe, caramel
2.0 butters het stripe
Inquire for Pricing. Thanks!

[email protected]