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Coughing after very aggressive feeding of F/T mouse


I just fed my 1 1/2 year old corn her meal for the week, and for some reason when she struck at it she absolutely flipped out when she made contact. She ripped open the mouse in the strike so blood/guts kind of went all over the feeding tub and continued doing a very aggressive coil when it wasn't even in her mouth anymore. It looked like she smashed her head into the bottom of the tub when she was coiling, and then she started to make a bunch of coughing sounds for about a minute. It looked and sounded like she really hurt herself in the strike, it was definitely not very graceful. She has always been a really aggressive eater but this was completely insane. But then she ate the mouse and seemed to act normal after that. I put her back in her cage and she went and chilled in her hide. I'm not sure if I should be worried.
How hot was the mouse? A few times I have overheated my mice and the snakes usually go a little crazy for a really hot mouse.

If she seems normal now, I probably wouldn't be too worried. They are pretty hardy creatures. Just keep an eye on her for anything that seems off.
It's possible that it was too hot, it's never been a problem before and I don't think I did anything differently, but I will try to be more careful about that from now on.