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Could it be fertile? Or just another slug...


New member
This egg appears much healthier than the three my corn laid yesterday.
It is plump and white. It is somewhat squishy but not nearly as squishy as the definite slugs were yesterday. It also feels a bit slimy but maybe it's from the moist peat moss that's around it.
I candled it and there was an air pouch, a few cloudy or dark spots with a bold squiggly spot that was just beneath the air pouch.
So... Do you think it could be fertile? :D
In the picture it doesn't appear to be fertile but if you saw things in it and it didn't just glow yellow I would incubate it and see what happens.
Guesses? Candling pictures of a potential fertile?

I finally got some pictures to come out of the egg that my corn laid earlier this evening.

(Top) The egg about an hour after being laid. It is much less peachy color in real life.


(Bottom) Unlike the slugs from yesterday, this egg has a few distinct dark spots and some curvy looking dark lines (the beginning of veins maybe?)




Anyway, take a look at the pictures and tell me what you think!
Is the egg fertile? Or is the egg a slug?
Hmmm, I don't think it looks fertile. It wouldn't hurt to incubate it though!

This is what mine looked like early on:

Damn. I really hope that at least one comes out fertile...
My poor snake, using all of her energy to push out an ENTIRE clutch of slugs.
Some females lay slugs every season without being bred. You could always breed her next year if you want some fertile eggs.
The thing is... I caught the male and female in a tail lock the day that my friend gave them to me...
So she has definitely mated before. (Although she's way too young for me to be comfortable with it.)
It doesn't look fertile to me, but it never hurts to try. That moss is way too wet. It should be wrung out as much as possible.
It's pretty late in the season, so even though they locked, he may have missed her ovulation. If you do want to breed them, I would definitely make sure she is a healthy, muscular weight before you do. The general rule of thumb for females is 3 years old, 3 feet long, and at least 300 grams.