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Couldn't Stop Laughing


New member
So I decided to take my Okeetee out of her tank so she could use my hands and arms like a jungle gym. She's almost four years old and a little over three feet in length. After sitting there fifteen minutes or more and being distracted by the Alabama/Florida game on TV I decided that playtime was over and time to go back in the tank. Uh-Uh...In all of her slithering around she had managed to feed herself through the belt guide (The leather loop behind the buckle that you feed your belt through) and had looped her tail around one of my belt loops on my jeans. I'm sitting there laughing like crazy, knowing that I can't get up until I get her from around my belt loops. It was a true Kodak moment but I had my hands full and no one around to snap a photo. I was still laughing like crazy when I finally got her back in her tank!

Corns are truly sneaky little clowns, God love 'em!!!
That's pretty much how I came home with Texas Lady. I was holding her when I was trading my bps in. She decided that my belt loops were fun and then preceded to stick her head up the back of my shirt. Then she kept flicking her tongue across my skin and I ended up doing the "being tickled" dance. People looked at me crazy. Luckily, I didn't have to pay for her because it was an even trade. I just said "looks like I don't get a choice. Thanks Rich (manager of Scales N Tails store)" and left. What is it about belt loops?
I don't know. This is the first time she has done this. She's a sneaky little **** but I wouldn't trade her for the world. She's always been an excellent eater, has never bitten me. She's a clown and my comic relief.
My corn is not yet long enough to pretend she is a belt, but she does like to pretend that she's a hair-tie. A very effective one, at that.
yeah my biggest male did that once very stealthy, wasn't through every belt loop but we managed to get the pic bellow. I never would have that owning a snake could be so much fun, they all have different personalities and they are truly a joy in my life :D It's always good to see other ppl feel the same way.


  • Belt.jpg
    115 KB · Views: 437
Try that with a Burmese python!!

A few years back, my daughter and I were volunteering at a local herp rescue, and one of her favorite animals was Chiquita-an albino Burm.

Chiquita had a habit of lacing her tail through my daughter's belt loops, and sometimes we nearly had to undress my daughter to avoid hurting Chiquita while we removed her.

They were bestest buddies!!

Mine really likes crawling down the sleeves of my hoodies. Well, one of my hoodies has a hole near the elbow and she managed to find it and stick her head out of it....kinda hilarious seeing a snake face coming out of your hoodie :)

When she was smaller, she also liked to wrap her tail around my watch making it hard to put her back in her tank...I love how they use their tails to grab everything :)
oh that's funny! I have this one pair of jeans w/ a small hole in the pocket. Handling one and showing it off to company, it got to exploring and lookng to hide, and into the pocket it went. DOWN My Pants! I was so embarrassed cuz where it was, I wasn't about to try pull it out because they tend to try grab onto what they can to stay where they are lol. I had to drop my pants in front of 5 ppl to get him out and man was my face red.. got out of the room quick while everyone was laughing their heads off :eek:
That photo of the "corn snake belt" is amazing! Mine only got a couple of loops but when she latches on, she latches on.................
yeah my biggest male did that once very stealthy, wasn't through every belt loop but we managed to get the pic bellow. I never would have that owning a snake could be so much fun, they all have different personalities and they are truly a joy in my life :D It's always good to see other ppl feel the same way.

That's such a cool pic! Too Fun.
i was at a petstore a week ago and saw a snake that had been traded in for a ballpython baby because it was a 'horrid dirty ginger color' it was the sweetest thing i've ever met. and it actually curled up in my coat pocket it took five minutes to get him out and every ounce of my willpower not to bring him home but my room mate has a strict no more pets policy. something about not having enough space. personally i think we should just get rid of the damned 6 person kitchen table we're in collage we use the damned thing as a dish drying rack anyway. eating is what the coffee table is for. corn snakes are so sweet i wanted 1 got 3 and want more.
Snakes do some of the strangest things.

My male lavender, Gunner, managed to push his tub lid off when I was cleaning the other day. I had his tub out because he was next in line for cleaning, and I'd taken the securing tape off the outside already. I went back into the kitchen to get paper towels, found out i needed to run to the other room and grab another roll from the closet. And of course, me being me, got mildly distracted with my dog, and came back, only to find Gunner, out of his tub, sitting on the table, with his head STUCK in my keyring. It was too heavy for him to drag around my keys, so he just sat there, coiled up around my keys, with a very grumpy look on his face. He's my stinky little troublemaker. He always makes a giant mess of his tub, and always does something ridiculous whenever he gets the chance.
Our male snow Balthazar looped around my 7 year old's belly as a belt and tickled him like crazy. He likes to hide in my curls, hoodies, pockets, wrap around necklaces, or hang from my bra straps. Snakes are such an enrichment to our lives I really want more since the other two are too stressed for regular handling time.
Snakes do some of the strangest things.

My male lavender, Gunner, managed to push his tub lid off when I was cleaning the other day. I had his tub out because he was next in line for cleaning, and I'd taken the securing tape off the outside already. I went back into the kitchen to get paper towels, found out i needed to run to the other room and grab another roll from the closet. And of course, me being me, got mildly distracted with my dog, and came back, only to find Gunner, out of his tub, sitting on the table, with his head STUCK in my keyring. It was too heavy for him to drag around my keys, so he just sat there, coiled up around my keys, with a very grumpy look on his face. He's my stinky little troublemaker. He always makes a giant mess of his tub, and always does something ridiculous whenever he gets the chance.

I love this story- eapecially imagining him dragging around the key ring

I bought a monster male lavender and the first time I handled him (he is well over 4 feet and probably 2 1/2 inches around ant his fattest)- he stuck his head through the metal ring binding of a notebook. A three-subject notebook with rings about 1/2 circumference. He was sooooo grumpy when he couldn't squeeze all the way through. I just had to wit for him to come back out.