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counting to 10


erroneous pickle
I guess it is not permitted to wear a red hat in a room full of yellow hats....
I am not afraid of conflicting opinions, just there is an appropriate way to present them. Not via controversy/slander!! ( the wonders of private messaging!!!)
Sorry if anyone thinks I'm being obnoxious with my post but I really am trying to send the good vibes out. I guess I just get cross-mojinated with some people.

This pertains to everything and nothing...........
You get it or you don't....

Peace Love Unity Respect
Did someone or more than one someone PM you to complain about the two headed snake?

If it was nasty and inappropriate I would post them on the forums in a milisecond. There is no place for that garbage here.
Joejr14 said:
If it was nasty and inappropriate I would post them on the forums in a milisecond. There is no place for that garbage here.
Is it just me, or does anyone else see this as a self-contradictory statement?

"I would post them. There is no place for them here."


well, i think he means that they should be exposed to emmbassres the ppl so they dont do it again, but i am not going to even touch this thred...Dawg
I guess it is not permitted to wear a red hat in a room full of yellow hats....
I am not afraid of conflicting opinions, just there is an appropriate way to present them. Not via controversy/slander!! ( the wonders of private messaging!!!)
Sorry if anyone thinks I'm being obnoxious with my post but I really am trying to send the good vibes out. I guess I just get cross-mojinated with some people.

This pertains to everything and nothing...........
You get it or you don't....

Peace Love Unity Respect
LOL, since we're counting, count me as one of those who don't get it. :shrugs:
Serpwidgets said:
LOL, since we're counting, count me as one of those who don't get it. :shrugs:

No worries. I guess I'm "hater" for posting my comments in his for sale ad. The original post in the photo gallery had his website addy in all CAPS right in the title. It has now been removed, my guess is with Rich's help. I originally ignored it, but when he openly brought out his 'sales/hype/pr strategy", I mistakenly thought it was up for discussion. I was just giving my opinion on how the "strategy" appeared to me. My only remorse is that it was posted in a "for sale ad", but that is where the topic was brought up. I would have voluntarily removed it, but since I was quoted, it wouldn't do any good.
You all know how I am when I have an opinion, and it is a forum after all. :shrugs:
I think the whole thing is being blown way out of proportion, all this fuss over a small handful of unwanted opinions.
And my comments in that thread had nothing to do with promotion of his website. I hardly noticed anyway. I was responding to those who seemed to think that it was wrong of him to place the animal for sale so early.
Ah, I see now.

I think it was a minor breach of etiquette, but I also don't think the responses (that were posted publicly) were severe.

Keep in mind that almost every time I was viewing one of those threads, and as I write this response, in the upper right corner is a banner paid for by Geoff. I think it's a little different than when someone just signs up and starts posting "look at my website" threads. ;)
Serpwidgets said:
LOL, since we're counting, count me as one of those who don't get it. :shrugs:

I'm pretty sure you do...
I honestly don't know you that well but reading your post, talking to you in person,....my gut (and brain) tell's me your an o.k. kinda guy!
You like "Being John Malkovich" don't you? OK then :crazy02:

I was reading between the lines in the post by a few members...that's all.
ASSuming something makes an ass of you and me. Could be said for me on this one. If Carol really didn't mean to turn all eye's to my ethic's then she should have private messaged me about her thoughts. I believe the correct word is couth.
I still think I was being MUNSONED....

A REALLY BIG THANKS GOES OUT TO EVERYONE THAT HAS POSTED IN MY DEFENSE. I REALLY DIDN'T MEAN TO START A DEBATE BY PLACING MY WEB ADDY IN A PICTURES THREAD. Everyone that has tried to sell something know's that unless you shove the details in someone's face there will be a few that just won't see it and will have to ask. No offense to anyone....that's retail. I'm a snake breeder and admittedly not much of a salesman. SO I TYPE STUFF AND LIST STUFF TO GET PEOPLE'S ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
There is a learning curve to everything.....right?
4 lines to a signature area
DON"T post your url in a picture thread title

see...I'm learning

If you read this Rich, I really am not out to offend you. Your a cool guy that has always helped me out! :cheers:

ok....back to my research and cup of fine raspberry tea with whole milk.

EVERYONE have a banger of a day! :wavey:
SO I TYPE STUFF AND LIST STUFF TO GET PEOPLE'S ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
Really? Who would have guessed?

Everyone that has tried to sell something know's that unless you shove the details in someone's face there will be a few that just won't see it and will have to ask.
Whoa. Maybe you should have PM'd all the forum members instead of insulting their intellegence in public. :shrugs: Are you really suggesting that the majority of forum members are not bright enough to be able to figure out your website is without it being shoved in their face?

See, I can read between lines too. And we can all be thin skinned and cry foul.

I refuse to respond in your sales thread, because I do truely feel I shouldn't have posted there and now I won't, not even to defend myself. However, your last posts left some things to be addressed.

I am not afraid of conflicting opinions, just there is an appropriate way to present them. Not via controversy/slander!!
Slander would involve an accusation. No accusation was made. You were suprised by negativity and I just gave my opinion on my perception of the post at first glace.

Debate? What are you talking about? There was no debate. I gave my opinion and never stated it as fact. It was my opinion and my opinion only. What is there to debate?

If Carol really didn't mean to turn all eye's to my ethic's then she should have private messaged me about her thoughts.
I didn't mean to turn all eye's to your ethics, or I would have said so. There was no "everyone look at this and throw tomatoes", I tried to stress in my comments that my feelings were only on how things appeared. I guess it's kind of a compliment that you think I am so influential, but I assure you I am not. Again, I respect the forum members intelligence to be able to read what they want and form their own opinion. I've said it before and I'll say it again, no one is going to make up their mind on your reputation based on what I say. And to be clear, I never attacked your reputation. I was just calling "tacky post", and it got blown WAY out of proportion.

Since it was taken so terribly wrong by one person, I'll explain for others my intentions in case someone else has gotten the wrong drift. Geoff was surprised at negativity and said he was just trying to get more hits to his site. I left constructive criticism on how to be even better at getting hits to his site. When I originally read the Photo Gallery thread with his website in all caps in the title, it turned me off to checking out the website. It could be my personality, but I recognized early that something was being thrown in my face and I resented the insult to my intelligence. I don't like things shoved in my face, and when they are, I take a big step back. This is just my opinion, and it may be the opinion of others, it might not be. However, when he wanted to know why some people were caught off guard, I offered my thoughts on what the post looked like to me.

Geoff has paid for advertising here, and has a right to post whatever he wants in his banners, forum, and sales posts. I do believe there is a time and a place for everything and the Photo Gallery is not a place for hype/advertising. Again, just the views of this poster and they don't necessarily reflect those of the station or it's sponsors. :)

It is a fact that certain people view things differently. LOL, proven several times in this thread. If one of my posts looked a little tacky to someone, I'd want to know. I'm not the kind of person that would really care if it is in public or not. If my shirt is on backwards, I'd like to know. I'd rather someone come forward and tell me (in public or private) than let me walk around all day like that because they were to shy to speak up. :shrugs: Case in point, I was just sending IM's back and forth with my husband. He was telling me about a task he was assigned that has nothing to do with his job. (Public speaking at a trade show and he's the IT guy) I typed, "Shouldn't you get a raise when assuming another position?" I'm so glad he brought to my attention the comment sounded bad so I could realize the need to be more careful about how I word things.

So now I am a Munson? I wish you would have PM'd that opinion. :grin01:
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carol said:
So now I am a Munson? I wish you would have PM'd that opinion. :grin01:

"One day, when people say the name 'Munson,' they're gonna think 'winner.'

Just like 'DiMaggio' is to baseball... or 'Unitas' is to football."
Hello Carol Munson

You know Carol... if your gonna take more than one husband you really should move to Utah....<snicker>

Munsoned eh? I don't know anyone who doesn't enjoy a good Munson-ing. Can I be next??

The fact is that forums are a place for discussion. It's not a good idea to try and "read between the lines" - this is why these types of debates exist. If there is a question about the definition of what is "in between" then simply ask. Public/private - it doesn't matter, but a heck of a lot better than taking "in between" and feeling attacked.

The post? Yeah it was shamless and somewhat tacky - but then thats my opinion. However, I did look at the website <shameless me!!>.

Well you know a whole lot of this went straight over my head and frankly I'm glad for it!

I think each of us who has a site/page for our corns away from here has at some point done SOMETHING to draw attention to it in one way or another.

I put up my hand, I am guilty of this offence.

Some people choose more subtle ways than others and I think that's the key.

About the original thread, I think the snake looks great and really interesting. I would be proud to have it in my collection. I agree with Dean that the snake should have been established before it was offered for sale, in fact, I don't think the snake ever needed to be offered for sale as any seriously interested parties would have PMed or e-mailed him very promptly and the bidding war could have ensued in private.

I still think the snake is coo and I want to see more pics of itl!!!

-and Joejr.....just shoosh for a minute, OK!!
princess said:
I agree with Dean that the snake should have been established before it was offered for sale...
Sorry Adèle, but my comments in the 'for sale' thread actually defended the seller's right to put it up for sale out-of-egg.
Cool, I should read a little more carefully. :cool:

I think out of egg sales are fine for run of the mill hatchlings or bulk lots but this is a special individual and I think there would perhaps be fewer people willing to take a gamble on it as an unstarted pippie.
I'm pretty sure you do...
I honestly don't know you that well but reading your post, talking to you in person,....my gut (and brain) tell's me your an o.k. kinda guy!
When I read this thread, I had seen nothing posted in the other thread that would make me think this thread was justified. So my guess was that someone must have sent a PM filled with hatred and expletives. That would explain this thread. IMO your reaction was completely out of proportion to the comments made in that thread.

Also, there were two different things being discussed:

1- whether or not it was appropriate to post a thread with your website title in it. Clearly you agreed that it was inappropriate, since you removed it from the title. In cases where someone is trying to generate publicity in an inappropriate way, I think it only makes sense to respond in public. Again, the response was not mean or harsh or slanderous. If I had seen that thread before you changed the title, I would have posted "dude, the thread title is a bit cheesy... :rolleyes: " in that thread.

2- whether or not it was ethical to put the snake up for sale so early. As far as classing Carol as a "hater" it doesn't make any sense. Her comment was: "There is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to sell that snake for as much as you can get for it." so I'm not sure how that equates to calling you unethical or attacking your ethics. :shrugs:

As far as generating publicity, there is a large spectrum between posting something of interest that happens to be relevant to something on your site, versus posting with the intention of bringing people to your site and adding a bit of "content" as an afterthought in order to justify the post. People don't mind the former, but things that fall on the latter side of the spectrum are insulting/rude/inappropriate to many. :santa: