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Craigslist rescue snake...-sigh-


Born this way
So I met a guy today who put a 3-year-old corn snake up on Craigslist as a normal for $20. For that price I knew there had to be something wrong with it, but bought it anyway since I have plenty of room for more snakes. The reason he is selling it is because it apparently only eats live and he is tired of it. Hopefully I'll be able to switch him to f/t but that's the least of my worries now.

I didn't expect him to be in the condition he was in but it didn't surprise me. I don't want to make it sound worse than it actually is either. Basically, the snake has some sort of sore on his nose, possibly from rubbing it raw but also he makes noises when he breathes. Sounds like air blowing through a mixing straw. It's only when he exhales. Possible RI but no mucus, bubbles, popping/crackling, or open mouth. Another strange thing is when he breathes out I can feel the puff of air and it is pretty strong. I'm wondering if it is related to the sore on his nose. I think he is a hypo because he has strange belly checkers but feel free to correct me. Here are some pictures of him and his nose sore:








Does he make the noise every time he exhales? If he does it just sometimes, it might be innocent. I have known some that start to exhale with a noise after a few minutes of handling now and then. To me it seems to be some type of excitement, be it positive or negative, I don't know. A blue beauty rat snake I had used to do it most of the times she was out. My large San Diego gopher snake does so too. Maybe it's something for larger snakes, I've never had a young snake or smaller adult do this. Your handsome male is quite large too, right?

If it's irregular and not getting worse and your snakes is other wise doing well I would not be concerned about it.

If it gets worse or you seehear other sings of illness, turn up the heat a bit for a few days to see if it stops, if not, go see a vet to be sure.
Oh, the nose looks like a typical 'breeding season male injury'; pushing against cage doors to try to get out to find a female would cause this.
Glad the snake is with someone who'll care for him. I have a male that makes the "exhale noises" when he is getting ready to shed. I agree about the nose injury, it doesn't look bad. I think you have a Hypo, pretty and healthy as far as weight goes.
Okay, I feel much better. I bumped up the temperature a little just in case. He doesn't seem ill in the least bit. He is strong, inquisitive, active, and big. He is quite a handful though! I've never even laid eyes on an adult corn in person let alone hold one. Mine are babies.

I actually don't know his sex. The guy told me this snake was from Petco so he doesn't know. That would bother me! Even if I'm not breeding or anything I like to know. I assume male because he is so big and has a thick tail.
I agree very nice looking snake. I do have a male who the only time I can tell he is going to shed is when he starts making the noises like you are describing. I was worried it was an RI to when I first heard it then a few days later he shed. So it might be something totally innocent.
I agree. Maybe about to shed, or possibly some old skin in it's nostrils. Keep an eye out though just to be safe. Good looking snake. Seems to be nice and thick. Good luck.

Oh, the nose looks like a typical 'breeding season male injury'; pushing against cage doors to try to get out to find a female would cause this.

I agree with this. My male bairds has this exact same injury to his nose. The compaction of it causes him to wheeze while breathing as well.

Other then that, he looks to be in good condition! Nice find.
Does this injury heal after breeding season is over? I hate to have it interfere with breathing.
Make sure the newcomer is quarantined well away from your existing snakes. On the offchance that it does turn out to be an RI, you don't want the others affected.
That is a pretty snake (and big!) for $20!

I bet that the breathing sound goes away when his nose heals.

Make sure that you are doing like Bitsy said and keeping him away from the others. And washing your hands. RI's aren't the most lethal thing, but they can get expensive fast.
Another user (Hallie) has a 9 year old male who has scarring in his lungs from aspen dust, as she thinks. He has a whistle when he breathes but is perfectly fine.

I'm sure your handsome guy will be just fine. I'm not sure if he's a normal or hypo, as I've seen some really nice normals.
Does this injury heal after breeding season is over? I hate to have it interfere with breathing.

My bairds never healed from it and he still breathes funny, which is especially noticeable during shedding. I think hes had it for about 3 years now.

I have a BP and he exhales loudly when he is around my neck and im walking around with him either outside or just doing chores. Usually if its outside he does it a few times otherwise not really. ( i thought it was becuase my hair was tickling his nose but he does it when i "hug" him to my cheek too. so idk.
My bairds never healed from it and he still breathes funny, which is especially noticeable during shedding. I think hes had it for about 3 years now.


Ouch, that looks bad! I hope this doesn't puff up like that. I haven't caught him pushing but if I do he'll be in trouble!