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Crazy question or Not?


New member
My son lost his cornsnake six months ago. My daughter found him outside a week ago. He will not eat. Any suggestions? Thanks!!!!
Wow, it's amazing that after so long you found him, that's great ! I think the first thing to do is put him in his viv, and leave him alone for a little while, so he can settle in again. Does he look like he's lost weight? What was the temperature like in the last while? You'll have to let us know what condition he seems to be in. :shrugs:
You broke my record!

I thought I had the record for a recovered snake (two weeks ago I found an albino king that had been missing five months), but it looks like you've broken that record. Congratulations on finding the missing baby.

I would put the snake's viv in a quiet spot, offer it water and a smaller than normal meal, and then let it settle in for four or five days before handling it. I'm weighing mine every week to monitor condition. Good luck!