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Crickets? O.o


The Serpent Son
I was in Petco yesterday, looking at the snakes (it's something of a hobby for me) and I noticed that in the cage with the hatchling corns, they had crickets. Surely that can't be all they're feeding them, right?

Does anyone here know if Petco actually has their snakes living off crickets?

Is that really a healthy diet for baby snakes? I don't think it would be. D:



Next time you're at that store, ask for the manager on duty.

Then ask that manager for the name and phone number of that store's "Regional Companion Animal Coordinator" ("RCAC"). Call that person to explain the situation/issue.

Bottom line is, corn snakes should not be fed crickets. They can't digest them, and putting adult crickets in a viv with hatchling corns may reverse the prey/predator situation.

Well, not to jump to anyone's defense or anything, but when I worked at Petco, the cages are really just sectioned off areas of one large cage, with plastic grates between that crickets could easily get through. On many occasions, crickets had climbed through the grates to get over to the snakes.

Just sayin', could just be an idiot, though.
Candachan said:
Well, not to jump to anyone's defense or anything, but when I worked at Petco, the cages are really just sectioned off areas of one large cage, with plastic grates between that crickets could easily get through. On many occasions, crickets had climbed through the grates to get over to the snakes.
Then your store's merchandising sucked. ;)

IIRC, the display planagrams had bug-eaters with bug-eaters on the same tier of tanks, and usually to the degree that frogs were on one level, tropical lizards on another, desert lizards on another, etc. - and carnivores with carnivores. That's how it was at my store.

jazzgeek said:
Then your store's merchandising sucked. ;)

IIRC, the display planagrams had bug-eaters with bug-eaters on the same tier of tanks, and usually to the degree that frogs were on one level, tropical lizards on another, desert lizards on another, etc. - and carnivores with carnivores. That's how it was at my store.

what section were you kept in??? :grin01:
tricksterpup said:
what section were you kept in??? :grin01:
Just outside the back door, by the shipping/receiving area.
Also known as the smoking section. :crazy02:

Oh thats the Dumpster..
tricksterpup said:
Ah so you were the Famous Phantom of the Dumpster. I heard they made a musical after you.
Now THERE'S a Broadway show for which I'd pay $125.00 per ticket.

No pretensions, a big production number performed by winos, and most importantly.....the music would NOT be written by Andrew Lloyd Webber.


Kurt Weill
(oh, show me the way to the next whiskey bar.....)
jazzgeek said:
Now THERE'S a Broadway show for which I'd pay $125.00 per ticket.
plus $1.25 Facility Fee, $6.50 Service Charge, $2.50 Handling Fee and $1.50 Mailing Fee = $136.75... Still a great deal!
Joolz68 said:
plus $1.25 Facility Fee, $6.50 Service Charge, $2.50 Handling Fee and $1.50 Mailing Fee = $136.75... Still a great deal!
Yikes, inflation. The last B'way show I was at was "Crazy For You" back in '94. I think it was around $65-70 altogether.

Nowadays, I'm content waiting for the touring companies. More money for herps. :)

jazzgeek said:
Then your store's merchandising sucked. ;)
Ain't that the truth. There's a few reasons I no longer work there, ya know.

But yeah, critters were thrown in where the space was. No planning that I could see.
I saw crickets in a garter snake cage when I went there once. The crickets were dead too, which made me wonder how often they fed them, even though they were feeding the wrong food. And there has never been any snake that I saw at that Petco that ate crickets, only the lizards which are on the other side of the "wall of reptiles" (or whatever you want to call it".
Last time I was at Petco, there was a cricket in the cage with a baby corn snake...it could have gotten into there from another cage I suppose. However, in the corn snake's water dish, there were 2 feeder fish swimming around...

I know garters are pretty routinely fed fish like that, but do corn snakes actually eat that?
